Neuron structure & function
Action potential is when neurons communicate by sending electrical pulses. They send electrical charges through depolarization and repolarization. At resting potential, the inside of the axon has a negative charge. In depolarization, channels in the axon’s membrane open up to let in sodium ions, which then changes the charge of the axon. Next, in repolarization, potassium ions exit the axon, making it have a negative charge again. This process repeats itself all throughout the axon, which moves the charge through the neuron.
Synapse structure & function
The action potential triggers the terminal buttons at the axon’s end to release special chemicals , synaptic vesicles which will carry neurotransmitters, they merge with the Presynaptic membrane then passing through postsynaptic terminals finally reach dendrite. if the neurotransmitter molecules are of the appropriate shape. It will either excite or inhibit a new action potential in the post-synaptic neuron. The receiving neuron either gives an excitatory or inhibitory reaction depending on which on reaction is more plentiful.
October 23, 2017 at 9:46 pm
* your model is very clear and very easy to read.
* Most of what you wrote was very helpful and was very easily understood.
I wish you went into more detail on your model.