Chris's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


December 2015

Native People of Canada Presentation

People of the Plains

Taming of the Shrew Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

In class we read the induction scene of “Taming of the Shrew” written by William Shakespeare and we were tasked with stop motion animating the scene. This project was completed by Rafael Sevilla III, Evan Case and Chris Raggett. The… Continue Reading →

Native people of Canada Chart


Skype call with Tanya Harrison

On December 9 2015, our science 9 class which arranged a Skype call with a astroscientist that my science teacher (S.Robinson) found and thought that she looked nice enough to contact and have a Skype call with our science class.It was very… Continue Reading →

power connections project

this is our google slides group project about the power in poland vs. the power in bc

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