The secluded lot analysis


  1. Exposition

“I’d like to inquire about a lot” page 115

  1. Rising action

“Don’t be fooled by the frayed cuffs, there’s probably more life savings under his mattress than most people have in the bank” page 115

  1. Rising action

“There might be room for just one more off Willow walk here”. Page 116

  1. Rising action

“Is the purchaser aloud to visit it at any time?” page 116

  1. Climax

“That cursed bee stung me” page 119

  1. Falling action

“”you sell the honey?” page 120

  1. Falling action

“Why should you want me to stop!” page 120

  1. Denouement

“Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot” page 121

my toondoo #1

my toondoo #2