Month: October 2018

Week 8 – Math 11

This week in math 11 we learned how to determine whether or not a parabola opens up or down(positive or negative), if it is congruent, and how to find the vertex. This can all be done just by looking at the function. For example, if the function looks like you know this function opens up because the is positive (keep…

Week 7 – Math 11

This week in math 11 we learned about the discriminant of the quadratic formula. This is the part of the formula that is under the root symbol, it is . You would use this part of the equation when you are asked to find out how many solutions an equation has. You use it the same as the original formula…

Week 6 – Math 11

This week in math 11 we learned how to solve quadratic equations. Along with this we learned a few different ways to do so, I am going to be talking about is completing the square. This is how this method works… The rule to follow is, To complete the square of … half the middle coefficient, then square it. For…

Week 5 – Math 11

This week in math 11 we learned how to factor polynomials. This is something that we learned in math 10, so we already knew the basics, now we are just growing our knowledge. We were taught the acronym C.D.P.E.U, this stands for Common, Difference of squares, Pattern, Easy and Ugly. One thing to keep in mind is that C &…

Week 4 – Math 11

This week in math 11 we learned about how to multiply radicals. Multiplying radicals sounds a lot harder than it it because everything we need to know we have already learned. One of the key word to remember is Expand, this word means to distribute. Distributing means to multiply a number on the outside of the brackets by the numbers…

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