Math 10 – Week 11

This week in math we learned more on factoring ugly polynomials, finding the GCF of polynomials, and how to use C.D.P.E.U. This is something that is very help full to remember so you are solving them correctly. They each have their own meaning,

C= Common, D= Difference of Squares, P= Pattern, E= Easy, U= Ugly

Knowing what all them stand for is even better. The one that I had the most was D and not because it was the hardest but I accidentally kept skipping over it, so when I would see a question that I needed to use that I kept forgetting. I had to keep forcing it into my brain and eventually I stopped forgetting. The way you use D is when you have a polynomial with something that looks like X^2+64. Before when I would look at this I wouldn’t know where to start but its actually quiet simple. the X is a perfect square and so is 64 since 8×8=64. Therefor the simplified version of this polynomial is (x-8)(x+8). The reason there is a -8 and a +8 is because this is only a binomial so there isn’t a middle term, this means that you need to make a zero pair to cancel it out.

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