The following quotes show a loss of morality amongst the boys in The Lord of the Flies: 1) “Then he started work on the sow and paunched her, lugging out the hot bags of colored guts, pushing them into a pile on the rock while the others watched him” (Golding, 195). 2) “We’ll raid them and […]
Category: Uncategorized
Math 11 – Unit 2 – Trigonometry Blog Post
One thing I learned this week that helped me in most of the questions was knowing exactly when to use cosine law vs. When to use sine law. Both can be used at different times when solving a triangle. I wrote up the main rules of when to use which law: Math 11 Foundations […]
6 Kingdoms
Kingdom Eubacteria 1) Escherichia Coli- (E.Coli) is a part of the kingdom Monera , and is in the bacteria domain. This type of bacteria has no nucleus and can commonly be found in many warm blooded animal’s intestines. 2) Salmonella- Also apart of the kingdom Monera, and in the bacteria domain, salmonella is a bacteria that can cause infections. […]
Week 10- Math 10
Polynomials Something that stumped me this week was figuring with “method” to use for each polynomial question. I was mixing up product and sum, GCF, and double distributing. During the lesson, we came up with questions as a “flow chart” to decipher which method to use: If you can say yes to any of the […]