Narrative Essay Corrections

Chelsea Davis Narrative Essay English 10 H D Paused Pocket Watches As our group of keen students crowd in through the small entrance of the museum, the feeling of gloom silences our animated conversations. As the tour guide speaks on the tragedy of this village, massacred by the Nazis, thoughts of confusion whirl inside my […]

Water For Elephants- Book Review

Water For Elephants- Sara Gruen A travelling show filled with misfits, freaks, and glamorous performers becomes a new home to Jacob Janowski, who unexpectedly runs away from his future plans in the midst of a mental breakdown after his father’s death. Immediately given the job of the show’s new veterinarian, he gets with the “in crowd” […]

Water For Elephants- Connection

  An era in history that negatively affected nearly the whole of humanity: The Great Depression. The novel Water For Elephants displays the obscure perspectives of the world that people perceived as reality. As Jacob enters the Ringling Brothers in the late 1920’s, he discovers the broken and hopeless world of the circus. The explination […]

Inquiry Post #2- Water For Elephants

What may lead to toxic relationships? An ignorance of mistreatment and honesty. The book Water For Elephants displays the importance of many moral values that are essential to relationships. What factors ignored can lead to toxic relationships? Mistreatment and honesty. Circus performer, Marlena and her abusive husband, August find that the ignorance of mistreatment can […]

Compare & Contrast Essay- TKAM

Chelsea Davis Compare and Contrast Essay- TKAM Block D An Essential Connection   Relationships are not only beneficial, but an essential key to human life. Both stories To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, and The Help directed by Tate Taylor explore the same question: how do relationships help us grow? During the civil […]

To Kill A Mockingbird- Thematic Paragraph

To Kill A Mockingbird- Thematic Paragraph How are people confined by gender stereotypes? Too many gender stereotypes may result in confined expectations.   Throughout the story To Kill A Mockingbird, we see Harper Lee consults themes of how gender stereotypes can confine others to unrealistic expectations. Scout, a young girl residing in Maycomb grows up […]

Big Ideas- TKAM

If- Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, […]

Inquiry Post #1 Caged Bird

What may lead to a lack of self empowerment? The poem “Caged Bird”, shows themes of self empowerment and the desire of freedom to express one’s self as a human being. What are factors that can diminish someones confidence or self empowerment? A rejection or refusal of hope. In the poem, we see a free […]

[What I Have Lived For] Bertrand Russell

A Response to Bertrand Russell’s Prologue In this piece of writing, Russell mentions three things that relate to what he himself and humans live for on the earth; love, knowledge and our nature to have pity for others. I found that his words related to the human condition in an interesting way. All of the elements show that […]