Week 5- Math 10

One concept that stumped me this week was in the new measurement unit: Unit Analysis

When we were given the first question- 50 km/hr = _____ m/s

I wasn’t sure what would be the best way to solve this without using the number line. During the lesson, we started with what we knew about km, hr, m & s :

1km = 1000m

1hr = 60min

1min = 60s

From here, we used these statements to create fractions with either side as the numerator or the denominator.


To do unit analysis, we need to continue to cancell out the units by using the fractions to end up with want we want. (In this case- m/s, circled in blue) Once we have our final fraction, we divide to find a decimal number for our answer.


Chelsea Davis, Block A Math 10 Burton

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