English 11 – Year End Review

During this English 11 course, I have learned several conepts and I feel that I have improved in many areas. Two major things that I can take away from this course are: the ability and skills to compose a better essay or piece of writing, and how to read a piece of literature while looking at the deeper themes and meanings. The piece of literature that I enjoyed reading the most was “Death of a Salesman.” I had never read a play in the past, and I found the plot of the piece very interesting. I also feel that when we were able to act it out, it brought much more understanding. Lastly, I felt like I had a lot of knowledge about the time period in which it was written before even beginning to read it. The unit I enjoyed the most was the poetry unit. I really liked analyzing and dissecting different poems as a class. I feel that I have improved in the area of writing, and constructing a polished essay or piece of writing. From formatting, to grammar and proper quote integration. One area that I think I could still improve in is elevating my vocabulary when I am composing pieces of my own, and developping further my writing techniques.

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