Get To Know You Assignment | English 10 Honours


The bay reflected the longing, willowy trees like a mirror, smoothly carved. As we sat there giggling about nonsense, the vibrant rays warmed our sun kissed skin. It was as if time had paused and no worry or doubt filled our heads, except listening intently to the waves rolling closer and closer with every minute. We drank the wild air, and fed off of the adventures we shared. Suddenly, the sky was tainted with a cloud of gloom and we felt a frigid air rush through our hair, warning us to head back to the cabin before the rain struck. Our vibrant cove was becoming uncoloured in a glimpse. With the crunch of pale, dried grass under our rubber flip-flops, we darted from the shore to search for a form of shelter. After an exhausting journey, I reached for the scratchy, wooden doorknob and the door swung open as the hot air hugged our frozen toes. We snuggled up in woolly blankets that protected our frail bodies from the stormy weather pelting down outside. The kettle whistled a minor note as the windows fogged up with condensation. The sweet aroma of mint tea was poured into our bellies, and some undetermined doodles were drawn sloppily with our fingers. Even though the temperature was cold to the core, we stared into the distance and the sense of comfort was kept between our conversations. When I watched your smile, it pushed that cloud of gloom far from us, and it made me rest beside the freezing weather. The chilled, harsh wind had no effect on me because I was in your gentle company. Our numb fingers, jittery with excitement tapped on the wooden floor, and the slanted drops of rain pattered against the glass. This time, it felt just as warm and colourful as our cove because your warm laugh made it so.


(English 10 Honours- Block D)

Chelsea Davis

Get To Know You Assignment- Photo Prompt, Descriptive Paragraph

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