Wonder Project

I’m glad to present my Wonder Project. My question is ‘How can our understanding of our relative size in comparison to the universe shape our perception of ourselves?’ continue to my Wonder Project inforgraphic to learn the answer that I have come up with.

Information Fluency Questions 

  1. What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?

I had various questions that I needed to research for this project such as, “How small is earth in comparison to the time the universe has existed?”, “How does global village give us the information to have an understanding of news and landscape of how the world is working?”, “How big is the universe compared to earth?”.

     2. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I learned how to use a few new digital tools during the process of making this project which was a little bit of a challenge but the websites ‘Gale’ and ‘Citation Machine’ ended up being a big help in gathering information, as well as an essential key to completing my wonder project.

  1. What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

My wonder project question was a difficult one for me to research, since it was such a big question. I asked a few people and got some recommendations on where to start in researching, ‘Neil deGrasse Tyson’ is one of the names I got. That name is where I started my research. In addition to that once my question was broken into sub questions it was just a matter of finding the answers to those shallower questions and piecing them together to fully answer my question.

  1. How did you verify and cite the information you found?

How I cited the information I found through Citation Machine or when using Gale, I used the citations already created. I used verified information from the website ‘Gale’ and I already knew it was legit. Any other research I used I verified using the steps recommended, like checking the website, author, the reason for the website, as well as making sure the website looked reputable.

      5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The process of the challenge creating this project always threw a curve ball. Another challenge that I had to overcome, like finding a starting point to research, and making sure all the research was legit, and taking a longer break than expected due to the pandemic. It did not take a lot of hard work, it just seemed to be time consuming. I think if regularly worked on it I could have, kept the same curiosity and passion to find the answer when I started this project, which could have resulted in me completing it faster.
