Digital Footprint Project

Digital foot is program that will give you some ideas of what to post and to know when you post something it would stay there forever for the world to see.

The reason why my digital foot print affect my life is because it keeps charge of what I post and tells me the things that is good to post or not to post. when I post something there are always people looking at it for example mangers. they will look at your past posts and see what kid of person you are and they even have the power on seeing he things you delete. the mangers are looking for people that have positive posts and seeing the good things that this person did like if they see that this person did a lot of volunteering or made this giant castle the manger would love to hire you but if you post any negative things and continue and the mangers finds there will be a possible chance that you wont be hired. No matter what you post in any app ask your self is this negative to anyone or if this is picture or videos contain any uses of drugs. if you do this your digital foot print will stop leading people trials for them to follow.


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How to keep your digital foot print safe is by not posting anything that is bullying person or that contains any drug uses because in the future when your want to apply for a job the boss research about you and then finds that you sell drugs or loves to party and like to bully people the boss would saying no right away and you would have a hard time to find a job

Another way to keep you digital foot print safe is to search your self up and see what pops up and see the things that you posted and started fixing the mistakes that you did before its to late and then you wouldn’t have to worry about applying for a job anymore.

Image result for a safe digital foot print                                              Image result for a safe digital foot print


 An other way to keep your digital foot print safe is to not post anything really personally to you or else people like hackers will look you up and started hacking into your stuff. a good tip is to don’t post anything that will contain your password or credit card number or anything that has barcode on it and to make sure if you do post something with a barcode make sure that it is already use so that the hackers cant steal it for free.

anther way to check if your post is safe is to check; T H I NK

       Image result for a safe digital foot print

                                                                  Check if this post is true or helpful, inspiring, necessary or kind. if it has all of that then its safe.

This is the best way to check if your post is safe or not. If you do this there will be nothing to worry about when someone takes a look at your post and you might be lucky that some bosses from their job would look at it and see the amazing things that you did and ask you in your comments if you would like to be hire in this job.

 Image result for a safe digital foot printImage result for a safe digital foot print



What I learned in digital foot print is that what ever you post online will stay there forever, even though you deleted it because the people all over the world could of screen shot it and then then send it somewhere else in the world. Posting things could really affect you in the future because when you decided to apply to your dream job and then the boss takes a look at your past post and searches your name up   and sees that you love to party and bullying people and that you like to take drugs the boss will right away kick you out of the job, because that’s something that the boss doesn’t want to tolerate with, so what ever you post must have a good reason to it, like before you post anything you should check if it is true, helpful, inspiring, necessary or kind. If you check for that then you would have a safe post all the time.

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I hope you learn something from me and hope that you would use these methods on keeping your digital foot print safe.

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