April 11th Meeting Summary

  1. Report card reflections due to me via email by FRIDAY.


  1. Resilience Day workshops – meeting on Tuesday April 17 during lunchtime (room to be decided) to introduce the idea of the workshop and explain how to sign up to the international students. Ms. Ottens came by today at lunchtime to invite us all to participate and also to spread the word to others. 


  1. Special guest – Ms. Chin came by to explain about a special gold ticket that would allow a chance at a free dinner/dance ticket………how should we decide who can compete for this ticket?  Let’s meet to discuss this………I will email the Gr. 12 students……How many Gr. 12 students are going to dinner/dance??  I hope you all will be going, that is my most favourite evening of the year!!


  1. Anime Poster Contest –  rules and criteria and judging to be decided………….Rianna please send me the criteria etc that you had posted on the TV at RAP time.



  1. Haiku poetry contest – Ms. Yamamoto will email teachers and promote this contest for haiku poems in different languages with English translations


  1. Movie Night – Friday April 27th in room 214………we’ll have snacks.  Jonadan has a list of movies he will send to me.  I will send them out to you so we can decide quickly next week.



  1. Farewell dinner/anime festival/spring festival format – I was thinking of ordering food for everyone and maybe we can make some desserts or snacks?  We could have henna booths, as that was very popular and fun, we could have performers, cosplay café or games?  We could decorate the cafeteria using last year’s beautiful decorations as well as the anime posters and haiku poems. 


  1. ML wind up activity – picnic?  Hike? 



  1. Exit interviews – for all ML students regardless of if you are taking this course for marks or not.   I would like to chat with you and find out how you felt about contributing to this program and if you feel there could be more things possible for ML!


  1. Book club – let’s start discussing Anne of Green Gables!



  1. Anime Club – on Friday at lunchtime and we need to organize the anime poster contest..  all those interested in participating or organizing please come at lunchtime on Friday.
This entry was posted on April 12, 2018. Bookmark the permalink.