How would you describe the change in Canada and B.C.’s population over time? Over time the population in both BC and Canada goes up consistently but is lately having less of an increase.
Describe the trend in birth rates and death rates for B.C. and Canada. Canada’s birth rate is slowly trending downwards while death rates are slightly increasing. BC birth rate is trending downwards and the death rate is going up.
Describe the trend in natural increase for B.C. and Canada. The natural increase for Canada is slightly decreasing while the natural increase in BC is going down much more gradually.
If you were opening a baby clothing store in B.C., what information from your chart/graph would be most useful to you? Explain why. Birth rates because babies need clothes and if there are a lot of babies being born there will be a lot of parents to sell baby clothes too, but currently the birth rate is trending downwards and if it continued to do drastically opening a baby clothes store could be risky. As well, the number has been around the same for a long time so generally the market is probably all ready full.
What other types of businesses could use the information for B.C.? Explain how it can be useful to these businesses. A funeral company would be interested in an increasing death rate because it will likely continue with the trend and increase more which means there will be more funerals and funeral companies need to be aware of more incoming business so they can market better and be more prepared for the demand.
If you were a politician in Canada or B.C., what policies or changes would you make based on this information? Explain how the information would lead you to make certain changes or policies. Due to the increasing death rate Canada might want to take a look into laws regarding the rights of dead people, inheritance laws, and funeral regulations. With a lot more deaths Canada needs to be prepared and ready for people who will challenge the rights of the dead. As well with a steady birth rate, British Columbia should look into the education system and where people with children are going to be living.
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