The Grinch is a bitter, grouchy, cave-dwelling creature with
a heart “two sizes too small” who lives on snowy Mount Crumpit,
a steep high mountain north of Whoville, home of warm-hearted Whos.
1. DYSPNEA is one of the Grinch’s symptoms. This is rapid breathing.
a. Would his heart rate be fast or slow? Explain your choice (2 marks)
It would be fast because the body is desperately trying to get more oxygen to the blood cells.

b. To increase the amount of blood going to his lungs, one side of his heart would strengthen. What side (the left or the right) would this happen? Explain your choice (2 marks)

The right side of his heart would strengthen because that is the side that pushes blood to the lungs and then to the left side.
2. Sphygmomanometer reading of the Grinch reads 150/60. (3 marks)
a. What does the 150 mean?
This is the systolic blood pressure for when the blood is being contracted

b. What does the 60 mean?
This is thedystolic blood pressure for when the vessels are relaxed.

c. If the Grinch were a human would he classified as having HYPERTENSION? Explain!
Yes the normal range for blood pressure is around 120/80.

3. Carrying out an ElectroCardioGram (ECG) you note the Grinch’s heart rate.
a. What would you expect to find? Explain why it is (fast/slow)
I would expect to find that the interval between tick marks is a lot smaller than normal, this is because the heart is beating a lot faster than normal and the blood cells don’t stay in the lungs long enough to get a lot of oxygen.

b. How are the ECG and Sphygmomanometer related? Or aren’t they? Explain.
They are not related very closely. The ECG measures heart rate whereas the Sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure.

4. The Grinch has red eyes. Do you think this is an error? Should they be blue? Expalin your answer! (2 marks)
Hypertension can lead to the Grinch having red eyes. This is because all the tiny blood vessels in the eyes burst leading to bleeding in the eye.

5. The Grinch’s feet & legs are swollen so you prescribe a diuretic (water pill) to reduce his swelling. But first you take a sample of Grinch’s blood and spin it to separate the plasma and formed elements.
a. What would you expect the % of plasma and formed elements to be? Explain your answer.
I would expect the % of plasma and formed elements to be abnormal with a higher percentage of plasma because of the increased heart rate.