Poem 1: I Know Where I’m Going
The poem “I Know Where I’m Going” tells the story of a woman dreaming of her future. She plans on having fancy clothing and a feather bed but she would leave it all for her love Johnny. The opening paragraph starts with the line “I know where I’m going,” and ends with the line “But the dear knows who I’ll marry.” and repeating the theme throughout. This poem offers the perspective of someone who knows what is expected of them and what they should do but are conflicted by what they want to do.
Poem 2: The Hitchhiker
This poem talks about a hitchhiker going from sea to sea and wherever the wind takes them. This poem offers the perspective of someone who doesn’t know where they’re going but doesn’t really care. It speaks about going to places ranging from the “great concrete arcs” to being in Alberta “among the trees”. This hitchhiker says they feel “safe with strangers
in a moving car” which speaks to how they feel they can handle whatever comes at them.
I agree with the perspective of The Hitchhiker more, mostly because I really like the idea of going with the flow and being able to deal with whatever life throws at you. I don’t want to know where I’m going in life but I like to think that I could handle anything life throws at me.
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