“‘I know every last one of you’s in there a-layin’ on floor! Now hear me, Bob Ewell: if I hear one more peep outa my girl Helen not bein, able to walk this road I’ll have you in jail before sundown!'” Link Deas page 334
This quote shows bravery from Link Deas. In the time of this novel standing up for a black person was virtually unheard of and to stand up for a black person so viciously and with such enthusiasm was as rare as a half blue lobster. Link Deas taking Helen under his care after the death of Tom Robinson shows a lot of courage. Not only was supporting a black woman courageous but just choosing to help and take care of Helen and her kids despite the judgement of his white peers. Link Deas is courageous by choosing Helen over Bob Ewell. Instead of siding with his fellow white man he decides to side with who he believes is right. Helen is courageous as well by going through every day without Tom, as well as walking past the Ewell house to go work for Link Deas. Helen leaves her kids to be watched by someone else while she goes and works as a cook for a man.
