In her short story, the Friday Everything Changed, Anne Hart began the story with the word “Tradition”, throughout the story Hart has her characters challenge the idea of their traditions. The story starts with one of the characters, Alma, asking if girls could carry the water bucket too. This was a job normally reserved for the boys. Hart wrote her story to show how even children can challenge their traditions for something more equal. This story was a case of man vs society or girls vs boys, and in the end the girls win.
February 17, 2014 at 5:21 am
I really liked how this was a unique take on The Friday Everything Changed. I liked how instead of going with gender equality, you focused more on the aspect of tradition. I really liked how you pointed out that it was the children who wanted to challenge it, instead of someone who had a large presence, or even an adult.
February 17, 2014 at 5:22 am
I really liked how you talked about tradition in your analysis. I agree with what you said and I also like how you explained what kind of conflict it was in the story.