Week 8 PreCalc 11

This week in PreCalc 11 we learned about analyzing quadratic functions of the form y=a(x-p)^2+q. We learned how to find everything that we need to using this equation.

To find the vertex you need to do the same thing as before, you need to look inside the brackets and take that number for the x-axis then use the end number and use that for the y-axis. Then with the vertex you can find the axis of symmetry, then with the coefficient of x, you can find if it’s a minimum or maximum, if it opens up or down. You can find what it’s congruent to, as well as the intercepts and the Domain and Range.


Week 7 PreCalc 11

This week we looked a the discriminant and how to find how many roots there will be and what kind of root it will be.

You would need to use the equation b^2-4ac.

If the discriminant is above 0 then it will have 2 roots and be considered a distinct root, a real root and a rational/irrational root. If the discriminant is equal to 0 then it will have 1 root and will be considered as a equal root and a real root. If the discriminant is below zero then it will have 0 roots and will be considered to have no roots.



Week 6 PreCalc 11

This week we learned about solving quadratic equations, I learned three different ways to do this.

The one that I really like to use is this one.

I like this one because once I have my equation (4x^2+7x-1=0), then I just have to plug the numbers in. Whatever the coefficient is for x^2 then that is a, then whatever the coefficient is for x then that is b and c is the extra number.


Week 5 PreCalc 11

This week we started factoring polynomial expressions. I learned how to take an equation like this 4x^2-7x+3 and factor it into two binomials. I did this by using a box method and using CDPEU which stands for Common, Difference, Pattern, Easy and Ugly.


I even learned how to take an even uglier expression and factor it.


I did this by changing (7x-5) to a and I did this to both of the (7x-5)’s.