Neglection can be the product of egoistical behaviour, creating a distinct barrier between one race and another like the two different bird families depicted in the image named Birds on a Wire by artist Banksy. The following narrative is influenced by Banksy‘s image to demonstrate the idea of disrespect and exclusion for foreign people, especially migrants, which is present in many countries.

Unwelcoming Party

John lived in a rural neighbourhood and had spent much of his time in the rural area. But John wanted to go to the city for a change. He also knew a friend from the city named Jack. One day, Jack’s other friend in the city, Bob, allowed Jack to bring someone to a party that he would host. Jack used the opportunity to ask John about the party, and John gladly answered that he would come. On the party day, John arrived on time and enjoyed everything the party had to offer. The tasty food, the upbeat music, even the people he never met. Jack was pleased to find John enjoying himself at the party. Bob noticed this too, but in a different manner. He noticed John was eating plenty of the food and chatted with the other people so much, that Bob couldn’t join the conversation or eat the food he liked. Bob also realized he came from a different neighbourhood, much to his surprise. So, for Bob to eat and converse as he desired, he decided to ask John to leave. John was in dismay and abruptly left the party. Jack witnessed all the events unfolding and vented his anger and confusion in silence. Bob carried on and enjoyed himself in his upbeat and joyous party.

Bob’s decision to kick out John, who hailed from another region, for ‘disrupting’ his party exemplifies the selfish and exclusive attitude of the privileged. But like Jack in the narrative, we continue to overlook this selfish attitude. The lack of inclusion and respectfulness is very present in our world due to actions such as those from Bob. If we do not stand up for the vulnerable, will we achieve the respect and inclusion our world deserves?

HCE 9 – English Assignment
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One thought on “HCE 9 – English Assignment

  • April 9, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    A simple, little narrative that is more of an analogy, but does reveal a great insight into the themes.


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