Digital Footprint

  1. How might you digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

a) Your digital footprint might affect your future opportunities if someone searches your name on the internet and anything negative or inappropriate shows up it could ruin any future opportunities.

b) Your digital footprint could also affect you in a positive way. if someone searches you on the internet and what they find reflects your positive and a good reputation it would look good to a teacher or an employer.


2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

a) Follow the “Think” steps

b) Turn your private settings off

c) Monitor your posts and what other people post about you

3.  What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

a) Be careful what you post because it will stay on the internet

b) Ask yourself before you post, what kind of images do you want other people to have of you

c) Don’t share personal information, you never know who could be seeing/using it

d) I would tell them in a way that doesn’t offend them, and to make sure they understand the consequences of what they post and how it can affect their everyday lives.

Links to photos:×400/Instagram-Private-56a9ff813df78cf772abf850.png,h_351,c_scale,q_auto,f_auto/v1481708662/1481708660.jpg







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