Blender Project – Animation


1.) My project is a Blender Animation about a car driving through a dessert.

2.)How to use blender and the animation portion. I made a car and the a basic terrain and then animated it.

3.) The basic terrain and mostly the animation because I figured out about the animation part myself

4.) I would improve the lighting part because I really didn’t know how to use it. Also I would make the car better.

Restaurant Project – Microsoft Excel, Word

Spread Sheet: seaside restaurant

Drinks Menu: Drinks

Menu: MENU

1.) Its a menu with different foods and drinks with a spreadsheet to show different types of sales. Like the total expenses and total profit. Also the average customers and sales per customer

2.) I learned a lot about Microsoft Excel because the whole program was completely new to me and since then I have used Microsoft Excel. I learned about making charts and using the formulas

3.)The spread sheet because it was something new and it was a cool. It was visually appealing and I was proud of it.

4.) The menu could have had descriptions of the food and made it look more professional.

PowerPoint – PowerPoint Website

PowerPoint Project:132-CYEUNGPresentation1


1.) My project is a website on the Seattle Mariners. With the roster, stats, tickets and score. We made a replica of a website and I made one for the Seattle Mariners. Mine isn’t the exact same but I tried to make a similar site.

2.) I learned about the hyperlinks and that you can do some high-tech with a simple website. I learned that I could better my projects in the future using PowerPoint.

3.) I’m proud of the hyperlink part because it looks professional. I think the project looked professional in general it was basic but cool.

4.) I could of added more hyperlink items because there more categories on the official website but decided to do less because of space and time.

Word – National Research Project

National Research Project: United States


1.) My project is about why people should go visit the United States. Its a travel website showing many different awesome components of the United like its geography, the people in the United States, industries, and the tourism highlights.

2.) I learned how to create the hyperlinks. So that once someone clicks on the triangle beside the title there will be more information about the topic. I also used a water mark and I will be sure to use water marks in my word more often to make my pages look visually appealing.

3.) I’m most pound of my hyperlinks and how I use them to create a more profession looking website. I’m also proud of the general way my website looks. With the color choices and the way I warp text the pictures.

4.) Maybe I could of put a bit more information under the titles because I had more information but I had to get the project done because it was turned in late.

Data Analysis – Data Collection Assignment


What is your favourite class?


How would you rate Riverside’s electives on a scale of 1 to 10?image






What is your favourite subject in school?



We did a convenience sample for our survey assignment. A convenience sample is a example a sample types. We went up to people anonymously and asked them their favourite subject in school, the subject that they’re getting the best mark in and the last is on a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate the electives.


I think our questions were an appropriate set of question. Our questions are very relatable because they’re all about school. Our question about the best mark was a bit personal but we really didn’t go into details.


Bias: Maybe it was bias for my partner and I to ask what their favourite subject was because if their doing well in the course they would probably enjoy the course.

Use of Language: We used a people friendly questions that is a pretty common question when someone is in school. I think the way we worded are questions a good way to word them without getting confused.

Ethics: Are survey doesn’t suggest anything illegal or suggesting anything bad. Were not judging them at all so I think that survey questions are appropriate.

Cost: Our survey doesn’t have anything that’s negative on it so I think they’re just answering questions and it doesn’t have a cost because it’s confidential and they’re helping us out.

Time and Timing: I think the time of our survey was an okay time to ask because the people we asked weren’t in a rush and we asked if they were able to do our survey. It is near the end the semester so they were probably studying for finals the classes might be more enjoyable if there wasn’t finals.

Privacy: Are recordings were all kept confidential so we didn’t right down names we didn’t tell anybody. If people didn’t want to answer they didn’t have to. We asked before the survey if they wanted to do our survey.


It’s a convenient sample because we didn’t organize the people that surveyed into a list or anything we just asked the question to any bi-stander. They were on they’re way so we just asked. They were nearby and easy questions so we could get a general idea and we could information quickly.


Rating how enjoyable the electives are on a scale from 1 to 10: 6, 8, 8, 3, 5, 8, 5 1/2, 7, 10, 7, 6,

Mean: 6, 8, 8, 3, 5, 8, 5 1/2, 7, 10, 7, 6 / 11= 6.185950413

Median: 3, 5, 5 1/2, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 10

Mode: 8

We decided to choose this question so we could easily the part about mean, median and mode. On Average or the Mean was 6.185950413. For Median we lined the numbers  up from least to greatest and we picked to survey 11 people so it would be easy to find the Median. The Mode is the number that comes up the most and 8 came up 3 times.

It was a little bit bias because the convenient sample is always the best sample type because it doesn’t give the number for the general population. We asked 11 people when there’s a lot more than 11. Maybe if we did more people that would have been a more accurate reading for the people in Riverside.