Math week 12 Blog Post -Edited

This week in math week 12, we re-learned how to substitute y=mx+b but with a quadratic, to solve the quadratic version, you must have 2 quadratic equations. The first step in this is to make sure Y or X is isolated generally i like to isolate Y,  and make sure they have no coefficients, and that you have an x2 to make sure you have a quadratic equation. Now that you have that you have one of the variables isolated, you use that solution and put it into the other solution wherever you see the variable you isolated on the other solution. Next you want to subtract one end to another making one side equal to 0 (Generally you subtract the soltion without x2)          

Now you want to find the 0’s, because this will allow you to find the y axis. Finding the 0’s will help you complete the equation. Once you find the 2 zero’s, you replace it in any of the equations finding the y axis but it has to be the same equation.

Math Blog post Week 11

This week in math, we learned how to graph inequalities and systems of equations. This week, we combined our last 2 units and made it into one (Solving Quadratics, and Graphing inequalities and systems). We learned that if the equal sign has a line on the bottom which means equal that it will have a solid line when graphing. $slatex y\le4x+5$. Knowing this we can add a point to check which part to shade in, in this case i used (-2,1)

-2>4(1)+5 =      -2> 8+5

This shows us that we need to shade the bottom side of the graph, because the test points for this solution was not true.

LOTF- Morality Podcast



Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. Penguin, 1983.

James, Wendy. Personal interview. 8 Nov. 2017.

Rosenfield, Claire. “‘Men of a Smaller Growth’: A Psychological Analysis of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies.” Literature and Psychology 11.4 (1961): 93-101.

The rest of the group, however, shifts its allegiance to Jack because he has given them meat rather than something useless like fire.

Crosser, Sandra. “Emerging morality: How children think about right and wrong.” Excelligence Learning Corporation. http://www. earlychildhood. com/articles/index. cfm (2014).

Gilligan’s point can be seen in children’s free play. When boys are confronted with a conflict involving fairness they tend to argue it out or take their ball and go home. On the other hand, girls faced with conflict over fairness will try to resolve the issue through compromise. But if compromise fails, girls will generally change the activity rather than disband the group (Cyrus, 1993).

Service, Indo-Asian News. “Herd Mentality: Even Kids Know to Agree with the Majority.”

These results indicate that children as young as age three and four are able to recognise and trust a consensus. In addition, young children are good at remembering who was and was not a part of the majority group, said a Harvard release.

Baumrind, Diana. “Parental disciplinary patterns and social competence in children.” Youth & Society 9.3 (1978): 239-267

How Piggy had no parents, so he was really shy and did everything that the other boys did to fit in with the group.

“Peer Pressure in Preschool Children.” Max Planck Society,

Of 18 children 12 conformed to the majority at least once, if they had to say the answer out loud.

Math blog post Week 10// Self assessment – Critical thinking

This week, i went over 3 things that i forgot how to do. The first one i did was rationalizing radicals. I knew the general idea of this, but i forgot how you have to multiply the conjugate making it a zero pair rather than multiplying by the same thing. For my second one, i did arithmetic sequences, i didn’t forget how to do it, it was just a memory refresher. And for the last one, i did solving discriminant which tells me how many roots i have and this was confusing for me on the test, because i would divide it by 2a.

Math blog post week 9

This week in math, I learned how to find the X intercepts in the standard form. I learned this late, but i still learned it in week 9. So to find the X intercepts we have to go back to our last chapter Solving for quadradics. First you would isolate to make X by itself so i subtracted by 1, then after that i sqaure rooted everything to get rid of the brackets, the from there i added 2 to the other side make it 2+/- square root of 1.

Math blog post week 8

This week in math, we learned how to use the X intercepts to find the Line of symmetry. To find the LOS, you take both X intercepts and you add them together then divide by 2. So in the picture below, the X intercepts are -4,0 and 2,0. 2-4/2= -1. Thats the line of symmetry.

Math blog post week 7

This week in Pre calc 11, I learned how to graph the vertex. I learned that when you are given the standard form, you can graph the vertex. In the brackets, you have the X value but a cool thing is that whatever number is in there, you change the sybol. So if it is -3 it really means +3. and the number right outside the brackets is the Y value; so given y=a(x-3)+3, we can tell that we need to graph (3,3) and that is our vertex.