week 10 in math 10

This week we learned how conjugates simplify in binomials, IE (x+4)(x-4) it will always have 2 terms and the second will be a negative constant so (x+4)(x-4) = x^2-16 and it will always be a negative perfect square on the end no matter what. These are important time savers because this will make it (if I recognize I can do it) so I can skip straight to my answer in simplifying rather than having to go through the writing it down and adding like terms and such.

Week 9 in math 10

This week the most Important thing is factoring polynomials because it allows me to work backwards on a simplified polynomials to find out dimensions of an object. I feel this is important because it could be something you actually see in real life situations where you will need to find out a good formula for exactly what sides need to be and can make life a lot easier when you’re trying to work from the ground up.

Week 8 in math 10

This week I feel like the coolest thing we learned is how direction relates to trigonometry or finding bearings Because since its on a compass you can make a right triangle out of how far that you have gone in a certain direction. I feel like this is cool because commonly we dont learn where things actually apply in real life but with trig and bearings we did


This week the most important thing we learned was SOH CAH TOA which is a acronym For Sine o/h, cosine a/h, and tangent o/a these are basic trigonometry functions that show the relationships between triangles angles and sides. My mom also knew what soh cah toa was so thats pretty cool too.

Blog post week 6

this week I learned the volume of a Sphere which is pretty cool because I never learned it before, although it was pretty easy it was still fun to do v of a sphere equals 4/3pi.r^3 which isn’t hard because you literally just follow the formula

Week 5 in math 10

This week the thing that I felt was the most important that I learned was conversion from metric to imperial, I feel like this is important because I am going to have to use it frequently because a lot of things here are typically said in imperial so If I wanna know how to find that out in metric this is useful. to convert you put the number you’re dealing with over 1 and then multiply it by the exchange rate, you then might have to put another exchange rate after it and multiply by that as well.

Staying safe at work

3 things I will do to stay safe at work are, asking about or denying work that looks like it might put me in danger, wearing all the proper equipment that will keep me safe, and I will try to find a job that avoids these situations altogether.

2 things I will do to keep others safe are, let them know when I see something unsafe to try to keep them from doing it, and be sure to remind them if they aren’t wearing their equipment and if they aren’t sure about anything Ill explain it in detail to them.

Week 4 in math Blog post

What I learned this week was the fractional exponent law, or at least that’s what I enjoyed the most out of this week, because although it was simple, I learned something completely foreign to me, which is really nice to me, cause I love being able to do things I couldn’t do before, How you simplifiy equations like 9^ 3/2 is by putting the denominator as the root and putting the numerator as the power, so 9^3/2 would simplify to root 9 ^ 3 which equals 27.

PLan10 – Block D – Calum – My Grad Requirements

1. Healthy Living
a. This year, I am _______Doing PE 10 m8_____ to meet DPA requirements (150 mins/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity).
b. Next year, I will ___Do PE 11 to meet DPA requirements.
c. Other than physical activity, I will also need a concrete plan for Health and fitness in order to lead a healthy life after graduation.

2. Course Credits
a. I need 80 credits to graduate. A typical course is worth 4 credits.
i. 48 of them must be from required courses.
ii. 28 of them must be from electives.
iii. 16 of them must be from Grade 12 courses.
b. At the end of this year, I will have 40 credits.

3. Community Connections
a. I need 30 hours of work/volunteer experience. To show I completed this, I must show proof in the form of Pay stub or reference
b. I can start accumulating these hours in Grade 10
c. My plan to earn work/volunteer hours is through work (be specific to where you would like to work, or where you plan on volunteering your time) at wherever will give me work for a payroll, I do not care where I work as long as I make bank, A@W is close to my house so it would be a good job.
d. I will also need to complete a reflection that includes What you did, how you benefitted and It will be 200 typed words minimum.

4. Career and Life
a. In addition to updating my resume, I will also create a plan for what Im doing after grad and proof to show that I have a plan in place after graduation.
b. When I graduate, my current plan is to ____Go to college and work on things that have to do with commerce and buisness, my overall plan is to end up at a law school after doing an undergrad at ubc
5. Interview
a. To prepare for the interview, I can look at the questions ahead of time. They are found at the grad transitions section of the riverside website
b. My interview will be with a teacher.
6. The 3 people at Riverside who are here to help with this process are:
a. Counsellors
b. Teachers
c. Mr ahmelich

In Grade 12, I will find all the necessary documents AND submit them to the office?
I will complete Grad Transitions 12 whenever I have English 12 If I have it in 1st semester, I must complete everything except the interview before Winter ball In 2nd semester, everything except the interview must be completed before april