Persausive Essay reflection — Calum

I’m gonna level with you, I have no idea how to correct my grammar because evidently I’m straight trash at it, if you wouldn’t mind looking at it in class and explaining to my what I’m supposed to do with it that’d be awesome. That is the largest problem with my writing. I really have no idea what’s wrong with a lot of the things circled.

So yeah my 2 things I’d like to improve is my Grammar because I dont know how to write well. Because I have to pick a second one, it’s a really small error, but I guess just overall catchiness of the hook. Everything else perfect though.

The things I did great are: my arguments are well thought out and dont have big weak points, not to mention I say it with authority and incredible vocabulary. My points are also varied and cover the obvious weak points of the “leading with love” philosophy that I defended beautifully. as with the spoken word I’d still say it deserves AT LEAST an 8.6 because the only real problem with it is the overall writing mechanics in terms of grammar and quote integration but those small errors dont strip away from the readability of the essay and the insanely fleshed out arguments that are well backed by real world evidence that show empirically that I’m right.




Spoken Word Reflection — Calum

One thing I did really well was the writing portion, the ideas and concepts were clear and made sense and reflected what I personally believe. My idea was very original and had its own identity. My writing was funny when intended but was also able to get a serious point across, that can be at least respected from every perspective because as you know Kanye can be a controversial topic but it was definitely capable of getting its point across without offending or creating opposition out of bias against Kanye.

I honestly dont think from a writing standpoint it could be improved on, although maybe, JUST MAYBE, my delivery was a little off because I made a small mistake and lost where I was while reading it. But other than that Im very happy with how it turned out.

I personally do believe it deserved more than an 8.5 but that’s just me.