Yo! My name is Caleb Chong. This blog is a window into my four-year journey at Riverside Secondary.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I have Cuban blood in my veins. My great-grandmother was Cuban and my great-grandfather was one of the many coolies who crossed the ocean to find fortune during the Gold Rush.
  • I’m the middle child of 3 boys in my family. Being the inbetweener makes me good at empathizing and compromising.
  • I have severe food allergies and wear my Epipen in a fanny pack at all times. Cross-contamination is one of my biggest fears.
  • I’m a mega Star Wars fan. I watched all the movies and have a collection of figurines. I also visit this website often.
  • My career goal is to become a carpenter. Woodworking is my favorite course in middle school. One day, I will transform the garage into my workshop.
  • I have a phobia of tests and presentations. I’m still learning how to cope with my anxiety.

My Motto

‘You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.

-Maya Angelou

Life is filled with a plethora of challenges. This quote reminds me not to focus overly on negative thoughts when I fall. Rather, I should pick myself up with courage as every setback presents us with an opportunity to learn and grow.

Favourite Video

Bullying has become a huge problem today. This touching spoken-word poem urges the world to spread kindness and is one of my favourites. In my opinion, kindness is contagious and is something always available if we choose it.


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