What is New Media

An image representing one of the services offered by Technotery as part of its Social Media Marketing Solutions which is Social Media Marketing Strategy

a) What is new media?

b) How is media consumption fragmented?

c) What are some methods you can use to consume credible media

New media is the form of media that is newer and more current than traditional media, traditional media would be things like the newspaper, radio, television, while new media is stuff like Youtube, Netflix, Spotify. The main differences between old media and new media is new media is on demand while old media is not, new media is interactive while old media is not, and new media can also be used as a way to communicate. Media consumption is fragmented by how much time people spend using different apps or services per day. For example let’s say someone spent two and a half hours watching Youtube and then half an hour on Instagram, the total time that person has spent is three hours, however it’s fragmented because they have been on different services or apps. Methods someone could use to consume credible media is if they are on a news website for example, look for things that would prove it’s credible,  “I always ask students to check the bottom of the webpage to see if the information has been submitted for ownership” (

Picture credit: http://www.technotery.com/services/digital-marketing/social-media-marketing/

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