Lit Circles – Night

Discussions 1-3

Literary Luminary: 

Page 7, where Moishe is trying to warn the Jews of their grim fate at the hands of the Nazis. I chose this passage because it shows how harshly we judge people based on their social status. No one listened to Moishe’s warnings because he was looked upon as strange by the townspeople. If they had listened to him, many lives could have been saved.


This section covers a lot of transportation scenes. The Jews are moved from their homes into ghettos. After that, they start getting sent to different camps by train. The train rides are long and inhumane. The conditions within are disgusting. A woman goes mad and starts screaming about a fire… an example of foreshadowing to the Holocaust that awaited them. However as there was no fire visible from the train she, like Moishe, is written off as crazy. Once they arrive at the concentration camps, families are separated. Some people are sent to be incinerated immediately and others are sent to do labor.


Image result for auschwitzImage result for auschwitz


Literature Circle Reflections

Breanna Putnam

Night- Elie Wiesel


Reflection Statements                           Yes Somewhat




I completed my assigned reading before the meeting. x    
I wrote thoughtful and complete reading response journal entries.     x
I shared parts of the book that were important to me and

explained why they were important.







I brought all required materials to the Literature Circle meeting

(book, journal, etc.)







I was a careful and caring listener by giving my complete

attention to other group members when they were speaking.







I responded to other group members’ ideas. x    
I asked questions to clarify my understanding of the book and/or

to help me better understand other group members’ ideas.





What was an important contribution you made to the discussions?


I mentioned the key events in the section, offered my interpretations on the less concrete passages, and provided insight to group members who didn’t understand things.


What were important ideas or explanations expressed by someone else during the discussions?


-Auschwitz should be respected by any visitors to honor the dead



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