January 20


Technology Article

For my poetry pairing I chose Why Reliance on Technology is a Bad Thing By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. The essay and the image I picked out to me really captured my theme of how technology can be this great thing but can cause a terrible dystopia. The metaphors created in my poem are powerful and represent the beauty in technology and also the darkness in technology and our future as a society. Despite the fact that there is little emotion in the poem it has a big impact on the reader.  ”

Computers are great, don’t get me wrong. They are wonderful tools that help many simplify their life, get more information, and in the end, hopefully make better, more informed decisions. These better informed decisions hopefully lead to better lives (for people) or better revenues and increased profits (for companies). But computers are not always the right choice, even when they appear to provide a solution to an existing problem.

As a tool, a computer is a useful aid. It has helped architects and engineers design and provide more reliable, interesting structures and buildings. It allows us to split atoms, and categorize human genomes. It can take guesswork out of business intelligence and product demand curves. It even allows us to exchange money in the form of bits and bytes instead of actual paper money changing hands.

But as a foundation for an important enconomic pillar in our country, I suspect we’re pushing the envelope of sane thinking. There is no such thing as an unhackable computer system. There is no such thing as a 24/7/365 computer system (despite what some companies claim). And until there is, putting all of your eggs into a computerized future seems a bit short-sighted to me.”


Technology it,

Replaces my only soul.

Upgrades who I am.


It is the future,

It is the darkness in us,

It is new beauty.


Program and Control,

Just a arcade game it’s fine,

Stay addicted please.