December 17

Week 14 in precalc 11

This week in math 11 we just started factoring. So far factoring seems pretty easy but we haven’t gotten into addition or subtraction and we also haven’t gotten ‘ugly’ fractions. The reason multiplying and dividing is easier than adding and subtracting is you don’t need a common denominator and it’s easier to combine like terms. In this equation all you have to do is simplify  all the like terms and to make the division work with the other equations you flip the equation upside down. Once we simplify it out we are left with 5c + 6d in the numerator and 1 in the denominator and so the final answer is 5c + 6d.


December 6

Week 13 in precalc 11

This week in precalc 11 we started chapter 8 and learned about solving absolute value equations. This chapter is very similar to chapter 2 with absolute values and radicals but, without the radicals. This is the first chapter where we need to write two equations to find an answer. The reason we need two equations is because since the equation has an absolute value you can’t graph it into the negative y axis. So, it will bounce off the Y axis and go in a reflection.

December 4

Wave interference

This is a Constructive wave. This wave occurs when two crests or troughs cross paths. What happens is the crests or troughs grow twice as big from the original and once they move past they are back to normal.

Constructive Wave

This is a Destructive wave, this happens when a crest and trough pass through each other. The crest and trough waves will cancel out and become a straight line and then resume as a crest and trough.

Destructive Wave

Finally we attempted a standing wave. We were not very successful with our circumstances so I will link a proper standing wave. A standing wave occurs when they have the same amplitude and wavelength. Here is a proper standing wave :

and here is our attempt :

Standing wave (attempt)

Obviously we had many factors that made us fail this attempt but I understand now how it works and I think I could get it to work under the right circumstances.

December 3

Exploring Waves LAB

Periodic Wave :

Like the pulse wave a periodic wave is the same thing but in a continuous motion.


Pulse wave :

A singular wave, a pulse. A pulse wave is a single disturbance.


Transverse wave :

A transverse wave is a wave that moves in right angles of it’s propagation.

IMG-1415 (1)-281b1gm

Longitudinal wave :

This wave is like the transverse wave but moving in the way it was propagating.

IMG-1413 (2)-13ei4sn