Week 5 in Precalc 11
This week in math 11 I learned the acronym CDPEU we can easily remember the acronym by using the expression “Can divers pee easily underwater”. The acronym means Common factors, Difference of squares, patterns, easy and ugly. this is meant for when we have an equation like + ax + b.
C – common factors. If you see any common factors reduce them, it will make the question a lot easier.
D – Difference of squares, a difference of squares is a bit different. It’s when we have two squares in the equation that subtract for example : – 81 would be (x + 9) (x – 9)
P – Patterns, patterns are pretty self explanitory but, what it is saying is to look for a pattern to more easily figure out an equation such as a trinomial equation. + x + b.
E – Easy, easy questions are question that will easily factor to add to the middle term or subtract and multiply into the last term.
U – Ugly, an ugly question is more difficult and can take more time. You may need to do different strategies because these questions can go into fractions.