Run-on Sentence

Run-on sentences Run-on sentence: Is when two or more independent clauses are joined forcibly. Independent clause: Is a sentence that includes a subject and a predicate and makes sense and can stand by itself. Explanation of example: “Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” “Branden is hungry” is a independent clause. “Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” is the second independent clause. Because there are two independent clauses, this sentence is a run-on sentence!!! Then, how do we fix it?; Ways to fix it:  1. Use a period. The easiest way to fix a run-   on sentence is to split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period. ( . ) 2. Use a semicolon ( ; ) 3. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction ( , FANBOYS ) 4. Use a subordinating conjunction. ( After before because as if etc.. ) Below some are examples.


  • Kevin is cold Kevin ate ice cream
  • Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm


“Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” could be fixed as: “Branden is hungry, so he started to nibble Kevin’s arm”.

Same as the first sentence: “Kevin is cold Kevin ate ice cream” could be fixed as: “Kevin is cold, but Kevin ate ice cream”.

Test questions:

  1. Yes or No (Is this a run-on sentence?)

“It was wonderful weather on Monday the boy flew the kite outside”

2. Which is not a way to fix a run-on sentence?

  •  Using a period  ( . )
  • Using a semicolon ( ; )
  • Using a dash ( – )
  • Using a subordinating conjunction ( after, before, because, as, if, etc )

3.  Fix the run-on sentences.

“Today was the best day in the whole world my family began our beach vacation.

4. How many independent clauses do you need in a run-on sentence?

Hint: Use the example shown above to solve the questions

Answer 1. Yes

Answer 2. Using a dash ( – )

Answer 3.  “Today was the best day in the whole world Because my family began our beach vacation.

Answer 4. Two or more