My Personal Health and Wellness Plan Unit 1

My Personal Health and Wellness

1.How Can I Manage My Stress in a Way That Would Benefit My Daily Health?

I can manage my stress away by playing any kind of sports such as soccer, basket ball, running and swimming, And can listen to music to get my stress away


  1. How does technology influence my social, physical, and emotional health??

Technology influence effects my social, physical, and emotional health by not going outside to meet someone because of your phone and TV. if you text someone in the text we are smiling and crying and other emotions but in real life we are just doing nothing. if you don’t go outside often because of our phone and TV and other technology our physical health is going down eventually.


  1. How Can I Improve My Communication Skills to Improve My Daily Life?

We can improve My Communication skills by saying the simplest things like “hello”, “how are you?” then you will be in the communication faster then you think!!


  1. What Does it Mean to You to be in an Unhealthy Relationship?

I think a unhealthy relationship is when you are unconfutable with the person and when you even think about it the person makes you feel dark.