A Fresh look at the Periodic Table

About our Periodic table

Our periodic table is based on the normal version but there is a lot of differences in our periodic table. First, we labeled a vertical format ordered in Atomic numbers. Second, we changed our shaped too circle instead of square and in the circle because we think it is kind of more related way to explain the Bohr model . Third, we included 5 colors too our periodic table by Red is Alkali  Metals, Green is Alkali Earth metals, Blue is Halogens, Orange is Noble Gases, Purple is Lanthanide, Yellow is Actinide and Non-metal is White


Define and Discover


What our group was trying to solve was “how should we make the periodic table easier to read and look “because sometimes it is really complicated that it is really hard to find. We found out the atomic mass and other periodic table so we can take a look at what other think



Me and my partner wanted to make an easier periodic table then the original periodic table so we made it from square to circle and ordered in a vertical way based on the atomic numbers and colored the family so it is easier the recognises the family of the atoms


We changed the format to square too circle because the atomic shape is more like a circle then a square and colored different colour by family like Red is Alkali  Metals, Green is Alkali Earth metals, Blue is Halogens, Orange is Noble Gases, Purple is Lanthanide, Yellow is Actinide and Non-metal is White


We did everything pretty god but the new periodic table was too tall so I would make it more smaller by using digital power and the color that we used were so light so I want it to be more darker so it can be realize easier than before

This is the picture what we made