Household Electricity Collage

  1.  Electric wires, these are the wires coming trough my house ( Top Left )
  2.  Electrical outlet, left socket: neutral /right socket: hot bottom /socket: ground (top middle)
  3. Household meter,  2.226 kWh 
  4. Device requiring electricity, I photoed a toaster the wire is connected to the back ( Bottom left )
  5. Circuit Breaker, If the circuit is overloaded we have to flip the switch to the right side ( bottom Middle )
  6. The Last one is and extra one it is an gas meter to check how much gas you used in a month ( The picture is from Korea ) 


A Fresh look at the Periodic Table

About our Periodic table

Our periodic table is based on the normal version but there is a lot of differences in our periodic table. First, we labeled a vertical format ordered in Atomic numbers. Second, we changed our shaped too circle instead of square and in the circle because we think it is kind of more related way to explain the Bohr model . Third, we included 5 colors too our periodic table by Red is Alkali  Metals, Green is Alkali Earth metals, Blue is Halogens, Orange is Noble Gases, Purple is Lanthanide, Yellow is Actinide and Non-metal is White


Define and Discover


What our group was trying to solve was “how should we make the periodic table easier to read and look “because sometimes it is really complicated that it is really hard to find. We found out the atomic mass and other periodic table so we can take a look at what other think



Me and my partner wanted to make an easier periodic table then the original periodic table so we made it from square to circle and ordered in a vertical way based on the atomic numbers and colored the family so it is easier the recognises the family of the atoms


We changed the format to square too circle because the atomic shape is more like a circle then a square and colored different colour by family like Red is Alkali  Metals, Green is Alkali Earth metals, Blue is Halogens, Orange is Noble Gases, Purple is Lanthanide, Yellow is Actinide and Non-metal is White


We did everything pretty god but the new periodic table was too tall so I would make it more smaller by using digital power and the color that we used were so light so I want it to be more darker so it can be realize easier than before

This is the picture what we made

Brithish goven Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of deportation to ensure the colony is properly run.
I think it is easy and very powerful to control people and quickest way to because if you get deportation you are out of the country and you are done
and  the British want to  get the culture out and they don’t want the status culture in to Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Deportation to ensure the colony is properly run.”

community connections

hello I am branden park and this is my interview ^*^

I interviewed a Counseling psychologist in korea . I choose here because i wanted to know about this job and i think it is quite right with my passion and i interviewed in kakaotok

Q. Why are you passionate about your job?

Hello I’m called a psychological counselor. I feel rewarded by the fact that my patients have overcome their psychological difficulties through counseling. And I’m also working with them to train junior counselors, and as they engage, they also feel that I’m growing

Q. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you doing

I think counseling should be a combination of research and practice. Because you have to have sufficient expertise in counseling and apply it effectively in real-world contexts. To this end, a lot of study and counseling experience I need a training course, and I have earned my Ph.D. and spent a lot of time.

Q. Would you be pen to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

be not an easy task Your time and effort may not make much money compared to investing. Also, in order to have a consultation, you must consult yourself and do your own counseling Supervision. If you think you have to train for life, then you’re But that’s how much the counselor’s mental world and inner world can grow. It’s our job to listen to other people’s pain and empathize with them, but we also experience exhaustion on our own Counselors should try to deal with themselves and my patients on a physical and physical basis.

Q. when are you happy with your job?

I’m happy when my patients’ symptoms are much better through counseling, and I grow up well in my daily life through adaptations, people and super vision.

Q. When are you sad or disappointed with your job

Some patients with severe symptoms have long-term caretakers who take psycho-drugs and receive counseling, but still take a long time to alleviate the symptoms. There are times when I quit without continuing that tedious process, which is very unfortunate.

Q. Would you be open to further contact from riverside students and of so, how can someone contact you?

No I can’t contact with the Riverside student in the future

Run-on Sentence

Run-on sentences Run-on sentence: Is when two or more independent clauses are joined forcibly. Independent clause: Is a sentence that includes a subject and a predicate and makes sense and can stand by itself. Explanation of example: “Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” “Branden is hungry” is a independent clause. “Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” is the second independent clause. Because there are two independent clauses, this sentence is a run-on sentence!!! Then, how do we fix it?; Ways to fix it:  1. Use a period. The easiest way to fix a run-   on sentence is to split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period. ( . ) 2. Use a semicolon ( ; ) 3. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction ( , FANBOYS ) 4. Use a subordinating conjunction. ( After before because as if etc.. ) Below some are examples.


  • Kevin is cold Kevin ate ice cream
  • Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm


“Branden is hungry Branden started to nibble Kevin’s arm.” could be fixed as: “Branden is hungry, so he started to nibble Kevin’s arm”.

Same as the first sentence: “Kevin is cold Kevin ate ice cream” could be fixed as: “Kevin is cold, but Kevin ate ice cream”.

Test questions:

  1. Yes or No (Is this a run-on sentence?)

“It was wonderful weather on Monday the boy flew the kite outside”

2. Which is not a way to fix a run-on sentence?

  •  Using a period  ( . )
  • Using a semicolon ( ; )
  • Using a dash ( – )
  • Using a subordinating conjunction ( after, before, because, as, if, etc )

3.  Fix the run-on sentences.

“Today was the best day in the whole world my family began our beach vacation.

4. How many independent clauses do you need in a run-on sentence?

Hint: Use the example shown above to solve the questions

Answer 1. Yes

Answer 2. Using a dash ( – )

Answer 3.  “Today was the best day in the whole world Because my family began our beach vacation.

Answer 4. Two or more

My Personal Health and Wellness Plan Unit 1

My Personal Health and Wellness

1.How Can I Manage My Stress in a Way That Would Benefit My Daily Health?

I can manage my stress away by playing any kind of sports such as soccer, basket ball, running and swimming, And can listen to music to get my stress away


  1. How does technology influence my social, physical, and emotional health??

Technology influence effects my social, physical, and emotional health by not going outside to meet someone because of your phone and TV. if you text someone in the text we are smiling and crying and other emotions but in real life we are just doing nothing. if you don’t go outside often because of our phone and TV and other technology our physical health is going down eventually.


  1. How Can I Improve My Communication Skills to Improve My Daily Life?

We can improve My Communication skills by saying the simplest things like “hello”, “how are you?” then you will be in the communication faster then you think!!


  1. What Does it Mean to You to be in an Unhealthy Relationship?

I think a unhealthy relationship is when you are unconfutable with the person and when you even think about it the person makes you feel dark.