Protien synthesis

The process of transcription


In the transcription process, the RNA Polymerase transcribes the DNA message to the mRNA strand. Unwinding is a helicase that has to move unidirectionally along the DNA and couple translocation to local base pair separation.

The photo up above shows the process of the DNA strand unzipping. An unzipping of DNA breaks the hydrogen bonds due to the force relieving the torsional stress stored in a double helix.


The photo up above shows the complementary base pairing. A complementary base pairing is a phenomenon wherein DNA guanine always hydrogen bonds to cytosine and adenine always binds to thymine.

This photo up above represents the separation from DNA. The separation from the DNA is a protein known as helicase that attaches to and breaks apart the hydrogen bonds between the bases on the DNA strands, thereby pulling apart the two strands.


The two photos that is up above is the initiation. Initiation is the start of transcription is called initiation. It happens when the RNA polymerase enzyme interacts with the promoter, a section of a gene. In order for the enzyme to “read” the bases in one of the DNA strands, this tells the DNA to unwind. The enzyme is now prepared to create an mRNA strand with a complementary base sequence.

The photo up above is the elongation. The elongation is as RNA polymerase works along DNA, a controlled process called transcription elongation creates an RNA chain that is complementary to the template strand. Transcription initiation comes before transcription elongation, while transcription termination comes after it.

The photo up above termination. Termination Is when an RNA polymerase that is transcribing releases the DNA template and the developing RNA, transcription is said to have terminated. For the polymerase to be recycled and to stop improper transcription of genes downstream, termination is necessary.


Question A

Q; In what ways did your models accurately reflect the process?

A: The fact that my group and I were able to follow the process step by step while working on the models helped us comprehend it much more than if we had just looked at a model online. The cut-outs from the model made it easier to see how objects moved.


Q; In what ways did your model misrepresent the process?

A: Although models are incredibly useful, they do have some drawbacks. All the intricacies of the objects they represent cannot be included in models. Because online models are far more sophisticated than the paper model we were using, my colleagues and I were anxious when we looked up a step to be sure we were following the procedure correctly.


Q; what changes could be made to the modelling activities to make them better represent the actual process?

A: What I observed is that there are numerous ribosomes for an mRNA strand during translation, but there weren’t any during this activity. Models, in my opinion, are not the ideal approach to learning because they can cause one to overlook crucial information during protein synthesis.


Question B

Q; Models are commonly used to communicate scientific concepts to non-scientific audiences. Do you think this is an effective way to educate the public about science? Explain why or why not.

A: I personally think models are an effective way to learn. Models are practical learning aids for science that can be used to enhance explanations, spark conversation, make predictions, give visual representations of complex topics, and create mental models.


Poetry talks – Rhyme, rhythm, and rhyme scheme

Rhyme Rhythm and Rhyme scheme

Rhyme is a literary device, featured particularly in poetry, in which identical or similar concluding syllables in different words are repeated. Rhyme most often occurs at the ends of poetic lines. In addition, rhyme is principally a function of sound rather than spelling. For example, words rhyme that end with the same vowel sound but have different spellings: day, prey, weigh, bouquet. This is true for words with the same consonant ending as well: vain, rein, lane. Rhyme is therefore predominantly independent of the way words look or are spelled. Writers use rhymes as a way to create sound patterns in order to emphasize certain words and their relationships with others in an artistic manner.


The other two examples:


Roses are red violets are blue, sugar is sweet so are you


There once was a bat that was living in my brothers hat




Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. In other words, it is the structure of the end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem. Many poems are written in free verse style. Some other poems follow non-rhyming structures, paying attention only to the number of syllables. Thus, it shows that the poets write poems in a specific type of rhyme scheme or rhyming pattern. There are different types of rhyme scheme such as alternate rhyme, ballade, monorhyme, couplet, triplet, enclosed rhyme, terza rima rhyme scheme, limerick, and villanelle.


Plop fall the plums; but there are still seven.
Let any gentleman that would court me
Come while it is lucky!
Plop fall the plums; there are still three.
Let any gentleman that would court me
Come before it is too late!
Plop fall the plums; in shallow baskets we lay them.
Any gentleman who would court me
Had better speak while there is time.


The sun is shining bright
This is a lovely sight.

You are like a day of May
And I as worthless as hay.


Mind Map – “A Private Experience”


To exhibit my understanding of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “A Private Experience,” I used symbols, images, phrases, and colours that convey things at a deeper level. The author intended to say that diverse religions, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures should not distort or determine our judgment of others. We are all human behind racism, homophobia, and gender injustice, and we should treat one other with respect through our words and even our thoughts. By distributing the message throughout the text, the author succeeded in this religious and ethnic conflict storyline. Chika, a well-educated Christian woman from a wealthy family, encounters a Hausa woman who is opposed. The woman is less well-off and lives in a third-world country with lower educational standards than the United States. The ladies practise different religions, but they also have varying levels of money and education. Chika is quick to pass judgment on the Hausa woman, thinking things like, “Chika wonders if the woman even understands what going to university implies.”
However, as they spend more time together, they discover more about each other’s lives and develop friendships. I also chose graphics and icons that represent story aspects to demonstrate my grasp of the story, and I also tried to use dark background on each slide to give sort of a dark mood. Some slides have photos representing something related to the topic and provide more descriptions of each fall. For example, I used a picture of the city, Kano, and for symbolism, I used a photo of a hijab, a scarf that Muslim women wear to hide their hair. For the plot, I had two slides on telling the story and two pictures, one for the Hausa Muslim outfit and one for the Igbo Christian. As we can see, it is easily noticeable on telling which religion they are on, which was the main reason I used pictures on slides. For the theme, I used an image representing the equalization of race and social identity, which fits the story’s theme. Despite their religious differences, we are all human regardless of race, religion, sexuality, or gender. I also used a quote to let people recognize my thoughts on each slide for each slide. For example, I used the section on the slide settings, “Chika wants to ask the woman how many riots she witnessed, but she does not. She has read about the others in the past: Hausa Muslim Zealots attacking Igbo Christians, and sometimes Igbo Christians going on murderous missions of revenge” (page 49) to show the impact on the war. In the quote, she wanted to ask the women how many riots she witnessed, which means that Chika had already seen a certain amount of witnesses, which shows the tragedy of the war.
Last of all, in the Criticism lens, I explained who the author was by using the biographical lens. Which I think is a good tool because after researching who the author was and what life she had lived, I understand why she wrote the book “A Private Experience”. She was born when her family was impacted by the Nigerian war, which was a tragedy. Growing up an African-American woman, she had to go through rough scenarios, which was a bad experience but an excellent source to write about.


In this project I used linear equations such as Linear Equation -Linear Equation 𝑦=𝑚𝑥+𝑏 -Horizontal Line y = a – Vertical Line x = b When I first started this project I had to struggle with some of the equation but, then I got use to the equation and found it easy. Even though it was fun the project gave me some “aha” moments like when I mess thing up and have to do it all over again was the biggest “aha” moment. This assessment really helped me understand y=mx+b.

Health Unit Reflection


With Regards to sexual health, how do you plan to be emotionally and physically healthy?

My plan to have a physically and emotionally healthy in my sexual health is first, have a healthy body so I can protect mine and my partners health such as STIs and HIV, second, have an honest communication with my partner with in a respectful, pleasurable, comfortable, and safe.


How do your choices about contraceptives help you live safely?

In my opinion contraceptives will help me feel and live safely a lot. Such like having a relationship that is not purposed to get pregnancy, help reduce the risk of diseases and help people to have a good mentality to enjoy there relationship


My Health plans

My health plan for this year has not really changed any from last year, last year I wanted to get in the best shape which I still need to work on a little. I also wanted to eat as healthy as possible and play sports and do outdoors activities for last year. I did not take any of these things seriously because I was not motivated but this year things changed because of the quarantine that happened I have gained some weight and I am really hoping that I can work hard as possible this year so I can reach my goal to have the best body that I always wanted. I am hoping that I can reach the best version of myself and stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Podcast about missing and Indigenous people

I and my partner Rachel did a project about missing and murdered indigenous teens. The story is about a 19-year-old girl who got killed, but no one knows who the killer is, and also the RCMP would not cooperate so the case got dismissed. In the project, and my partner worked hard and had a good combination with each other. During the project I was shocked by how much indigenous children or teenager was kidnapped and murdered but, the part that was more shocking was when I realized a lot of the case was unsolved because they were indigenous. After, the project I thought about how I could help more people who are still finding their family.  During the project we work hard and put a lot of effort into it still is was not fantastic as the real podcast but, I think we did a pretty good job for our first podcast, I had a lot of fun on this project I realized in the future I might do another type of future since it was fun to make the podcast.