Convenience Sample: A convenience sample is choosing people who are easy to access. Example: I am writing this answer in Math class, and if I decided to do a poll right now, and I only included the people in this classroom, this hypothetical poll would be by Convenience Sample. The benefit of this would be that it’s one of the easiest, because you choose the people that are closest to you, and this is one of the fastest sampling methods.Random Sample: A random sample is choosing random people of the population. Example: If I made a poll on the internet, and the first 1000 people who go on any social media website are forced to take the poll, that would be a Random Sample. A random sample is most non bias way of data analysis, because you are not choosing the people who take the poll, it is random.Stratified Sample: A stratified sample is a group derived from a set percentage of other multiple groups formed from the whole population. Example: There are ≈7 billion people on earth, if we divided that in to 4 group we’d have 1.75 billion in each group, and then we took a percentage out of each group, let’s say 25% then those 437.5 million x4 = 1.75 billion, and if we polled these people, this would be a poll by Stratified Sample. The benefit of this is that you’re practically including the whole population, but it is easier because you don’t have to include everyone.Systematic Sample: Choosing people after each set of intervals. Let’s say we have the whole population of Port Coquitlam, and we chose every 3 person from the long line, that would be a Systematic Sample. This is also really easy to do, because you only have to poll a percentage of the population.
Voluntary Response Sample: A sample that allows the whole population to participate. An example of this would be presidential elections, because they include the whole population of a certain area. This is definitely one of the best kinds of samples because it includes everyone.
Choosing an inappropriate sampling method is common among many companies, most commonly, companies who are trying to sell you something, or convince you to support their opinion. By choosing an inappropriate sampling method you can make your numbers seem way better than they are. For example, you could go in to a poetry club, and poll the members by Convenience Sample, this way, most of them or all of them will say that they like poetry.