January 17

Skype Chat with Charis Walko

Skype Chat with Charis Walko

On January 15th, 2016, Mr. Robinson set up a Skype call with Charis Walko so the class could ask questions about Embryonic Stem Cells and other subjects involving Stem Cell research. The class was set up in pairs. My partner was Michael land.

Our question was: Can you share what you are currently working on ?

Her answer was: I am currently working with a company that specializes with Stem Cell Research, and I make a chemical that tells the stem cell what kind of stem cell it should be.


[Me (Botond Diosy) asking our question to Charis.]

Other questions:

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Discovering an understand new stuff that no one else has seen before.

How is your work contributing to modern day medicine?
We can make organs, that someday will be able to be transplanted in to a human.

I really liked this experience, I learned lots of new things about stem cells. And in my opinion this turned out better than the Skype chat with Tanya Harrison.


Posted January 17, 2016 by botid2014 in category Science 9

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