Science App Review
Science App Review
I am doing a review on an app called “Rocket Science 101”. This app was made by NASA to inspire a younger audience to become rocket scientists at the comfort of their own home.
What’s the difficulty level of this app?
“Rocket Science 101” isn’t a difficult app to use. It is easy to understand and it is even easier to play.
What are the skill levels you can choose from?
The skill level menu is the first thing you will see you launch the app, skill levels include; a “Have Fun” skill level, a “Challenge Yourself” skill level and and a “Rocket Scientist” skill level. I didn’t find any of the skill levels even remotely hard, but they all include a nice amount of detail.
Is there room for failure?
Sadly it’s impossible to mess up in this game, because the app doesn’t let you launch the rocket unless the rocket is put together correctly.
How much information does this app contain about in real life projects ?
I was impressed by the amount of detail you can find about famous projects like; IBEX, Kepler, MSL and many others. It goes in to detail about what every single components use is, and how each component works.
Did you learn anything from playing the app?
I learned about what each components use is, and about how they work. I learned about the amount of work it takes to get a rocket built and ready to launch. I learned about the process of launching the object(satellite, rover .etc) in to space.
What were the “pros” of this app?
I like the amount of detail and description this app has, and the many projects you can build and launch for yourself.
What were the “cons” of this app?
I didn’t like how there was no way of failing. And how limited the choices are in the menus.
What would you rate this app ?
I would rate this app a 3 out 5 stars.
I like the details of the answers that you wrote.