October 28

Ichabod Crane (Character Sketch)(Good Copy)

Ichabod Crane(Character Sketch)

Ichabod Crane was a lonely teacher in a small town called Sleepy Hollow, he was a man of many different traits, and skills. He’s a scrawny but tall man with exceedingly long arms that hanged miles out of his sleeves, his legs carried his big troll sized feet. His narrow neck supported a small head, that had two bright green eyes and long nose attached to it. His class full of students were not treated harshly, but weren’t spoiled either, he used justice to rule out punishment. He taught the children every day. And when school hours were over he met up with the older kids to eat their goods and sweets ; “on holiday afternoons would convoy some of the smaller ones home, who happened to have pretty sisters, or good housewives for mothers, noted for the comforts of the cupboard.” “The revenue arising from his school was small, and would have been scarcely sufficient to furnish him with daily bread, for he was a huge feeder, and, though lank, had the dilating powers of an anaconda.” But to help out his maintenance, he sometimes assisted the farmers on easier labor days. He also liked singing psalmody in front of the church. He enjoyed doing lots of activities around the town, and he always found a way to help and comfort himself, in the town of Sleepy Hollow.

By Botond Diósy

October 27

Keesh (Summary)


By Jack London

                 “Keesh,” by Jack London, tells of a bright 13 year old boy who lived in the smallest and poorest igloo of the village, in the North Pole, a long time ago he was left to care for his mother because his father was killed fighting a polar bear to provide food for his village. The boy and his mother lived, in the smallest and poorest igloo of the village. Keesh went to a council meeting, where he discussed the matter of crappy food being served to the poor and that it is unfair. No hunter in the council accepted a child to be talking to them like this. The next day Keesh set out to go hunt for better food, he managed to kill a mother and her 2 young cubs. He kept going on trips regularly. He even got an igloo built for him. Ugh-Gluk, ordered 2 warriors to follow the young boy on his next hunt. They saw Keesh drop little balls of meat, a bear ate them and then it died. The warriors of the council went to Keesh’s igloo. Keesh explained that he kill’s bears by butting a sharp whale bone in balls of meat that the bear will eat, and be killed from the inside. Because he used his brain, he rose to power and became the chief of his village. And through all the years he lived, his people had enough to eat, and no one who was weak or old ever cried aloud at night because there was no meat.

The End

October 26

Science App Review

Science App Review

I am doing a review on an app called “Rocket Science 101”. This app was made by NASA to inspire a younger audience to become rocket scientists at the comfort of their own home.

  • What’s the difficulty level of this app?

    “Rocket Science 101” isn’t a difficult app to use. It is easy to understand and it is even easier to play.

  • What are the skill levels you can choose from?

    The skill level menu is the first thing you will see you launch the app, skill levels include; a “Have Fun” skill level, a “Challenge Yourself” skill level and and a “Rocket Scientist” skill level. I didn’t find any of the skill levels even remotely hard, but they all include a nice amount of detail.

  • Is there room for failure?

    Sadly it’s impossible to mess up in this game, because the app doesn’t let you launch the rocket unless the rocket is put together correctly.

  • How much information does this app contain about in real life projects ?

    I was impressed by the amount of detail you can find about famous projects like; IBEX, Kepler, MSL and many others. It goes in to detail about what every single components use is, and how each component works.

  • Did you learn anything from playing the app?

    I learned about what each components use is, and about how they work. I learned about the amount of work it takes to get a rocket built and ready to launch. I learned about the process of launching the object(satellite, rover .etc) in to space.

  • What were the “pros” of this app?

    I like the amount of detail and description this app has, and the many projects you can build and launch for yourself.

  • What were the “cons” of this app?

    I didn’t like how there was no way of failing. And how limited the choices are in the menus.

  • What would you rate this app ?

    I would rate this app a 3 out 5 stars.

October 15

Signs Debate

Signs Debate

Pro Law: This needs to be law sometimes soon, because there’s not much worse than looking for a nice foreign restaurant, but not understanding what the place is called. It’s even worse when even the menu is in a language that you don’t understand. If you’re going to open a shop, restaurant, or even a toy store give it a name that can be easily translated to English, and name it that. If your costumers don’t understand what the business is called, how are they going to tell their friends about it? It’s just a bad idea.

Anti Law: If your business serves/sells stuff from another country, then why not call it something from that country? In that language? Imagine going to Osaka, but instead of being called Osaka it’s called “Meeting Hill”, and when you walk in, all of their products that they’re selling are still in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or Vietnamese. You’d feel like you just walked in to a lie, wouldn’t you?

What’s your opinion on the matter ?

October 13

Social Media & Common Sense Response

Social Media & Common Sense Response

I do think there should be a guide about how to use social media responsibly, even though most people already understand the basics about using social media responsibly in the real world, there are people like the woman(Cathy Cruz Marrero) in the particular video where she walks into a fountain because she was way too distracted by her phone, while walking around in the mall. But I think most people who own a mobile device like a tablet or a phone know when it’s appropriate to use them. There are people who don’t think they’re putting anyone in danger when they text and drive, which is pretty sad. I do think we miss lots of important things when we’re out with friends or family, and we’re constantly just looking at our mobile devices checking on what other people are doing. But there is a positive between all of this negative. It’s easier to receive information from all around the world, which in my opinion is amazing. People today are puppets, so if you’d tell them to look around in a “cool” way then I’m sure they would. A guide is needed to tell people how to use their devices responsibly because there are some people who weren’t taught common street smarts.

October 13

The Sanctuary (paragraph)

The Sanctuary By Jesse Stuart

I think The Sanctuary has a happy ending because: Grandma felt happy, and stubborn about the things she had, she didn’t want anything differently because according to her, every thing was fine. She lived in a big, old and decaying house, she was fine with it because she made lots of happy memories in it. Her daughter and son-in-law were worried that the house would fall on her, because it is so old. But she never felt like she was in any peril. But then grandma said “If you are all afraid that I am going to be found dead in this house some morning, I don’t mind going to your house, and I’ll try staying there for a while.” Their house was only a quarter of a mile away, so her house is practically visible from there. She sat by the window most of the time looking at her house. But she really couldn’t see it very well, because one of her apple trees was in the way. “After a week went by she got very home sick.” So she moved back to her house. Her granddaughter says, that she had one of the best times of her life when she visited grandma, but it made her sad when she said that, she’ll never leave her house again, and that she will die in that house. One night a large storm came by, her heavy oak tree from her yard crashed trough her house’s roof. Her family found her, dead, pinned to the floor, underneath a beam. “She died where she wanted to die, and maybe how she wanted to die.” It’s not the happiest ending, but it isn’t the saddest either.

October 9

Summary of “The Open Window”

I think “Thanksgiving” is about having a nice dinner with your family,  eating a turkey with some mashed potatoes with some cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It’s about  knowing what you have. And it’s about being with the people you love most, and creating new, happy memories with them. It’s about being thankful for the things you have, and the things you accomplished. And it’s about having a day of from work/school and relaxing.

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂