Category Archives: Grade 12
Synthesis Essay Corrections & Reflection
Overall, I am very happy with the final product, and the resulting mark of my first English 12 essay. Firstly, I am proud of my use of vocabulary. It is interesting to see how it has evolved over the course of my high school years, and how much it can contribute to the quality and complexity of my writing. Secondly, I am proud of how I structured my essay. In the past, my ability to organize my writing has not been the best. I usually have a lot of ideas spread randomly all over the place. But for this essay, I was able to take time to think it out, and structure it in a professional way that was clear, concise, and well presented the points I was trying to make.
Something I know I could improve upon was my use of citations. I have never used MLA format before, so it was all new to me and was quite confusing at first. I will definitely practice with it in the future and work to improve. Less on the technical side, certain parts of my arguments could have been further refined, simplified, and clarified. These are both areas that apply to any essay, and I will be sure to be aware of, and improve upon them for Essay #2.
Lyrical Free Verse in Response to “Yet Do I Marvel”
Why am I here
A question many ask day by day
Searching for a reason, a purpose, a direction
We may never know the answer
But are told to trust and follow the one who does
Struggling to answer the many calls of will
Being strained in many directions
Too many unknowns
The burden of responsibility so high yet so untold
A duty so enigmatic
All we can do is sing
Haiku in response to “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”Haiku
Dusky rivers flow
Gleaming in deep history
Flowing as one whole
English 12 – 16 Personalities Reflection
After completing the 16 Personalities test, I was placed in the “Advocate” category. Apparently it is pretty rare, and it is estimated that less than 1% of the population fits in this category. This was surprising to hear, I never thought I was that unique personality wise.
Three words I would use to describe myself are: Dedicated, insightful and empathetic.
I think the greatest lesson I can learn from awareness of myself and others is my ability to regulate and mediate. Knowing my own strengths and weaknesses, my “breaking points” are more clear and it is easier to know when I am pushing myself too hard, or stressing too much. I am able to stop myself before I get to that point. As well as I can also support my friends better. In knowing their personalities, it is easier to see what they need from you so that you can be the best that you can be for them.
Because nothing is 100% to one side or the other, these tests do give a close representation of your personality. But it is always more complex than that. There are a lot of variables in peoples life that can make them the way they are and that can change sometimes too. Some people could be more dynamic and even span into multiple categories depending on the circumstances. I think that it is hard to narrow something as convoluted as human personality down to a 100 response questionnaire.