Tag: criticalthinkingcc
Chemistry 12 Core Competency Reflection
Desmos Art Function Card 2019
Before doing this project, I always had trouble understanding graphs and restrictions because I found it difficult. While making this card, I learned a lot about how a graph behaves and what can change it. This project helped me understand the relationship between x and y and how transformations affect it. I had a lot of trouble getting the curves and shapes that I wanted for the lettering on the card; however, I played around with all the graphs and eventually figured out how to get the shape that I wanted. It was not until I was quite some ways into the project that I really started to understand functions and how to repeat them with transformations. Once I understood transformations and reflections, it was easy for me to figure out where I wanted to place my lines. Looking at the shapes of graphs and how they can be changed really helped me understand how I could incorporate it into my design. I encountered some difficulty when I wanted to shade in the nose because I was not sure about how to do it. However, I figured it out slowly after lots of trail and error. Although I wish I did not spend half my break on this, I’m glad that I did because it helped me understand graphs better.
CC Self-Assessment
This is the self-assessment from my novel study project fromĀ Une bouteilleĀ dans la mer de Gaza