Week 11- Math 10

Can divers pee easily underwater? Answer: no, but the acronym in that silly question, CDPEU, can be easily used with trinomials. Instead of ‘can divers pee easily underwater’ we’ll replace them with mathematical terms that can be used with trinomials.

When you are unsure about a question, ask yourself “is it common? Is it a difference of squares,” and so on. If you answer ‘no’ to all of them, the given question is not factorable. This is one thing that I learned this week that I found extremely helpful when I’m not sure what to do or when I am stuck on a question.


Published by

Belinda Xu

Small but packed with smiles (and sarcasm). Rather handy with computers and I like to think that I'm well rounded. This is my 花樣年華.

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