I need to find an app that will help me throughout my science 9 courses. Is this app 100% free? Will it help explain anything that I do not understand? Would I be able to use it beyond my science 9 class? Is it available on both computers and phones? Will it work without Wi-Fi?
If I could find an app that can answer any questions and that I can use for as long as I need to, I would have a reliable source to help me throughout the year. I could go straight to the app to help me understand anything that I don’t. If the app does not require Wi-Fi, I could still work on my school work while I am away if I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
I will search google and the play store and read other reviews online about each app and decide which one is the most helpful. Another thing I will be looking for is what the app provides and how helpful it will be for me if I don’t understand something. Hopefully, this app does not require Wi-Fi all the time or at all.
The app that I chose is Khan Academy. It is a free app available on Android, Apple and Windows stores for everyone to download and online as a website. It provides video lessons on a variety of subjects, including science, for a variety of levels. Another feature the app provides is practice questions to make sure that you understand what you just learned. You can download “your list”, which you need to add your own lessons to, to keep learning even when you don’t have Wi-Fi.
This is the app running on my surface, it also works in tablet mode. You can see it divided into 3 sections; learn, new & noteworthy and downloaded videos.
Here is the website. This page is the progress page, which is the homepage for people who have created an account.
Top left: The website version of the biology page. Top right: This is the physics page in the app showing all the videos. Bottom left: This is a page that shows all the video lessons in this category in the app.
The left is the app version of a video lesson and the right is the website version of the video lesson.
Here is what the practice questions page looks like on the website. I believe that there are no practice questions available on the app version.
This is a wonderful and simple app/website to use for if you ever need help with school work or even if you want to learn by yourself. It’s amazing how this app can help you all the way to college or university tests, such as the MCAT. This is definitely an app that is 100% free, can explain anything you don’t understand, use beyond the science 9 class and use without Wi-Fi. However, I wish it was possible to have the practice question on the app as well because it wouldn’t be much use only watching the videos and not practising what you just learned to show that you understand it. I also wanted more subjects to be available, such as social studies or English, which I think would render the app to be even more useful.
This is a great review. I really like how you shared your knowledge of solution fluency and also embedded pictures about the app. Make sure you not only debrief the app but also debrief how you did on the solution fluency process.