
Namazu story

Whale and Thunderbird story

Indigenous earthquake stories explained

What does BC say? – Know the Risks

USGS Earthquake Map

Prepare the city for an earthquake


Earthquake case study presentation:

  • In pairs, find one historical earthquake event and report on:
    1. Location
    2. Magnitude
    3. Effects (liquefaction, tsunami, aftershocks, numbers affected)
    4. Primary source account
    5. What was and has been done to mitigate the effects of an earthquake in that area

Rock and its Role

Creation Stories – Philippines – How the World Was Made

  1. Where do people come from?
  2. What is the lesson of the story?
  3. How is the environment portrayed and what value should be had from that portrayal?
  1. What is the moral of the story? What values does it promote?
  2. How is the environment portrayed and what value should be had from that portrayal?

Rocks PPT

BC Financial & Economic Review

Pt1: Economic Review

  1. How would you describe the importance of our natural resources sector’s contributions to your GDP? (Chart 1.2, Chart 1.3)
  2. What is happening to the price of natural gas? (Chart 1.5)

Pt2: Financial Review:

  1. How is the oil/gas and mineral sectors performing compared to what was anticipated in the previous budget? (Chart 2.2, Table 2.4)
  2. How important are natural gas and minerals to BC’s revenue? (Table A2.4)
  3. Is the amount BC spends on Energy and Mines and Natural Gas Development appropriate? (Table 2.9)

Appendix 1 – Economic Review

  1. How important has oil & natural gas production and solid mineral shipments been to BC’s economy over time? (Table A1.1D, Table A1.3, Table A1.7)
  2. How important is mining and oil & gas to the employment of British Columbians over time? (Table A1.5)
  3. Is BC investing the appropriate amount of money into mining, quarrying, and oil & gas extraction? (Table A1.6)
  4. Is there a good future in natural gas or oil production? (Table A1.12)


  • How important are rocks to BC’s economy? Present evidence (good and bad).
  • How might this be incorporated into your story?

Climate Zones

  1. Use to find climate data of one country from Koppen classes A-E. Try to choose small countries.
    • Calculate the average temperature and precipitation per time period
  2. Post the following to your blog:
    1. Create a map that shows the 5 countries you’ve chosen.
    2. Graphs of the yearly/periodic averages of temp and precip for each country.
    3. Explain how world temperatures and precipitation are changing.
    4. What conclusions can you make about how climate change is occurring in different climate zones?