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- For tomorrow, please download the following file and read Chapter 3, pg 30:
Category Archives: GEOG 12
Namazu story
Whale and Thunderbird story
Indigenous earthquake stories explained
What does BC say? – Know the Risks
Prepare the city for an earthquake
Earthquake case study presentation:
- In pairs, find one historical earthquake event and report on:
- Location
- Magnitude
- Effects (liquefaction, tsunami, aftershocks, numbers affected)
- Primary source account
- What was and has been done to mitigate the effects of an earthquake in that area
Theogony by Hesiod
Why Volcano Myths Are True (BBC, 2015)
Do volcanoes pose a risk to BC?
Review: https://opentextbc.ca/geology/chapter/4-4-volcanic-hazards/
Plate Tectonics
Share ideas of how plate tectonics can be a creation story
Rock and its Role
Creation Stories – Philippines – How the World Was Made
- Where do people come from?
- What is the lesson of the story?
- How is the environment portrayed and what value should be had from that portrayal?
- What is the moral of the story? What values does it promote?
- How is the environment portrayed and what value should be had from that portrayal?
BC Financial & Economic Review
Pt1: Economic Review
- How would you describe the importance of our natural resources sector’s contributions to your GDP? (Chart 1.2, Chart 1.3)
- What is happening to the price of natural gas? (Chart 1.5)
Pt2: Financial Review:
- How is the oil/gas and mineral sectors performing compared to what was anticipated in the previous budget? (Chart 2.2, Table 2.4)
- How important are natural gas and minerals to BC’s revenue? (Table A2.4)
- Is the amount BC spends on Energy and Mines and Natural Gas Development appropriate? (Table 2.9)
Appendix 1 – Economic Review
- How important has oil & natural gas production and solid mineral shipments been to BC’s economy over time? (Table A1.1D, Table A1.3, Table A1.7)
- How important is mining and oil & gas to the employment of British Columbians over time? (Table A1.5)
- Is BC investing the appropriate amount of money into mining, quarrying, and oil & gas extraction? (Table A1.6)
- Is there a good future in natural gas or oil production? (Table A1.12)
- How important are rocks to BC’s economy? Present evidence (good and bad).
- How might this be incorporated into your story?
Creation of the Earth
What values were expressed/promoted in these Creation Stories?
- Genesis
- Iroquois & Haida
- Pangu:
Review pages 51-62 Planet Earth
Us and Climate
Focus On Acid Deposition (2014)
- Go to: https://www.climatevisuals.org/images?f%5B0%5D=theme%3ASolutions
- Choose 2 solutions that are new to you
- Post image with URL, location and date
- Describe the image and explain how it works
- Assess how feasible/applicable and effective this solution is
- research is recommended but not required
- Share best one with class
Review pages 72-77, 80-84 in Understanding Our Environment
Climate and Us
How severe are the effects of climate change:
- Go to : https://www.climatevisuals.org/images?f%5B0%5D=theme%3AImpacts
- Choose one image you think is provocative
- Note the location, date and URL for reference
- Describe the image and explain how climate change has caused this
- Find data to support or refute the claim of the problem from #4. Provide references.
- Post all of the above to your blog. Be prepared to share next class.
Climate Zones
- Use https://climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/http://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=global_map to find climate data of one country from Koppen classes A-E. Try to choose small countries.
- Calculate the average temperature and precipitation per time period
- Post the following to your blog:
- Create a map that shows the 5 countries you’ve chosen.
- Graphs of the yearly/periodic averages of temp and precip for each country.
- Explain how world temperatures and precipitation are changing.
- What conclusions can you make about how climate change is occurring in different climate zones?