Canada’s Multiculturalism

Essay Assignment: Assessing Canadian Identity

Canada is well known for being multicultural. It is a part of Canadian identity.

Key Question: To what extent is Canada a model of a successful multicultural country? (past, present, [and future]?)

Your essay should include:

1) Intro: Thesis + Multiculturalism in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and public policy today

2) Body:

  • Past = Assess Canada’s actions in the past with regards to:
    1. Aboriginals (White Paper, self government, environment, Oka Confrontation, Nisga’a, Nunavut, education)
    2. Quebec (Duplessis Era, Quiet Revolution, FLQ, October Crisis, Flag, Official Languages Act, 1980 and 1995 Referenda, Bill 101)
    3. Immigration & Constitution (early 20th Century policies, point system, Meech Lake, Charlottetown)
  • Present = Assess the reality as you see it in your life and around your community (includes the media)
    • Bonus: A comparison to another country that is successful or a model of being unsuccessful

3) Conclusion:

  • [future?] Where are we at now, where should we go from here?

Essay Rubric

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