Canada Expands West Political Cartoon

Canada Expands West Political Cartoon (with explanation)

Create a political cartoon that is a commentary on how you feel about Canada’s expansion west after Confederation. Provide a written explanation of your cartoon.

Describe the Cartoon:

  • What is in your image and what is happening?

Document the Cartoon

  • What is the history behind the images?
  • What do your images symbolize and why are those symbols appropriate?

Interpret the Cartoon

  • What is your message about how Canada expanded west? / How do you feel about the way Canada expanded west?
  • Why is your analogy appropriate?/ How does your image match your message?


Post your cartoon and your explanation on your blog.



Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds

The Red River Rebellion and Manitoba:


-Purchase of Rupert’s Land

-Thomas Scott

-Manitoba Act


-Laws of St Laurent

Does not provide a clear judgement based on historical events Ethical judgement is clear with limited reference to historical events Ethical judgement clearly explained with reference to historical events Ethical judgement based on full understanding of historical events

Treaties and Residential Schools:


-Treaty rights

-Whiskey Trade


-Residential school conditions

Does not provide a clear judgement based on historical events Ethical judgement is clear with limited reference to historical events Ethical judgement clearly explained with reference to historical events Ethical judgement based on full understanding of historical events

National Policy:


-Pacific Scandal


-Settle the West

-Raise Tariffs

Does not provide a clear judgement based on historical events Ethical judgement is clear with limited reference to historical events Ethical judgement clearly explained with reference to historical events Ethical judgement based on full understanding of historical events

NW Rebellion:


-Big Bear


-Riel and Dumont

-Canada’s reaction


-Riel’s Trial

Does not provide a clear judgement based on historical events Ethical judgement is clear with limited reference to historical events Ethical judgement clearly explained with reference to historical events Ethical judgement based on full understanding of historical events

Does not explain why most symbols are depicted in a certain manner


Analogy is not attempted or explanation does not logically match historical events

Explains why some symbols are depicted in a certain manner


Analogy is attempted but explanation is limited

Explains why most symbols are depicted in a certain manner


Explains the connotations of the analogy

Explains why symbols are depicted in a certain manner


Explains why the analogy is chosen and the perspective it creates


Caricatures support the perspective

Bonus 0 1-5



Attention to detail



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