The Fight for North American – Virtual Museum

 The Fight for North America – Virtual Museum Exhibition

In groups of 3, you will create a Virtual Museum of artwork that highlights the significant events, people and places that contributed to the political control of British North America.

Your group will also need to set up a shared folder via Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, or any other cloud based storage program to collect your images.

Each group member will need to create a free account from ArtSteps (  To run the website, you’ll need Adobe Flash Player. This can be done after all the lessons are complete for this unit. Other sites that work: In3DGallery – needs Firefox and you will need to create an info slide,

For each piece of art, you’ll need to provide:

  • Title of the artwork
  • Artist
  • Year completed
  • The URL you found it on
  • Description of the artwork and how it is connected to the events listed below
  • Explanation of the significance of the events listed below
  • Explanation of the perspective shown in the artwork

*Use high resolution images without watermarks.

Embed your 3 virtual museums on one person’s blog plus your group’s organizer. Ensure all names are easily seen on the post.

Virtual Museum Exhibition Organizer

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds

Significance of people, places, and events:


(War of the Grand Alliance, War of Spanish Succession, War of Austrian Succession, Jumonville/Fort Necessity, Acadia, Louisbourg, Plains of Abraham, Treaty of Paris, Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act, Pontiac Rebellion, Significance of 7 Years War to Canada)


(Sugar Tax, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, First Continental Congress, Lexington & Concord, Bunker Hill, Brooklyn, Delaware, Brandywine, Saratoga, Yorktown, Declaration of Independence, Loyalists, Constitutional Act 1791, Significance of the American Revolution to Canada)


(Life in Upper Canada, Impressment, Continental System, Manifest Destiny, Tecumseh, Tippecanoe, Isaac Brock, Battle of Detroit, Battle of Queenston Heights, Battle of York, Beaver Dams & Laura Secord, Battle of Chateauguay, Washington, Treaty of Ghent, Significance of the War of 1812 to Canada)

Does not show a clear understanding of most terms or lacks many important details


Does not explain the effects and connections to other events or explanation is irrelevant

Shows clear understanding of most terms or lacks important details


Explains most of the effects and connections to other events



Shows clear understanding of each term


Clear explanation of the effects and connections to other events

Identifies each term with specific details


Thorough and specific explanation of the effects and connections to other events




Explanation is missing or attempted with vague explanations or limited observations Explanation is attempted and logical but misses major details that are relevant to the perspective Explains perspective for each piece of art with clear references to the artwork

Explains perspective for each piece of art with clear references to the artwork


Examines each piece of art in detail


Limited fulfillment of requirements


Poor planning and organization


Missing most requirements

Little attention to detail


Lack of preparation


Most requirements present in Virtual Museum

Clear organization of information


Clear visuals and explanations


All requirements present in Virtual Museum

Chooses images that convey content well


High quality images


Professional looking product


Consistent quality


All requirements present in Virtual Museum


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