First World Problems

First World Problems

 You will create an awareness campaign about the conditions in an African country that is listed as Low Human Development in the UN Human Development Index (below 140).  This campaign will be based on the demographic research you conduct and will also need to offer a solution to the public on how an average individual can help.

Part 1: Research Report on Demographics
1)   Introduction – Basic facts for African Country- title page, location (map), land size, climate, economic state, government system, culture/history, etc. (5-completeness, quality of information, aesthetics, citations)
2)  Demographic Data – Graphs and tables of your African country and Canada presented in an easy to read and easy to compare format (15-readability, completeness, citations)

  • For the last 5 years: population size, birth rates, death rates, fertility rates, growth rates, natural increase, migration rates, population density
  • For most recent year: Population Pyramid, dependency ratio, doubling time (show calculations)

3) Living Standards: Graphs and tables of your African country and Canada presented in an easy to read and easy to compare format (15-readability, completeness, citations)

  • Statistics for the last 5 years that represent: status of women, status of children, status of health services, status of nutrition, life expectancy

4) Economic Information: For both countries, provide information about: main economies, GDP/GNI per capita for the last 5 years (graph and table), what and how aid agencies are involved, explanation of World Bank, International Monetary Fund or World Trade Organization involvement (15-organization, quality of information & explanation, citations)

50 marks


Part 2:  Analysis and Solution

1) Written Analysis  – Using the data from Part 1, compare and contrast the demographic, living standard and economic data for the African country and Canada. (discussion should utilize an understanding of population pyramids, Demographic Transition Model, level of Human Development). Discuss the present situation and the direction the country is headed in with reference to your research. (15-quality of explanation, reference to research, completeness)

2) Solution – Explain the poverty cycle of the African country based on your research.  Research and describe two possible ways that a person could help pull the African country out of the poverty cycle (aid agencies? volunteer agencies? change of personal habits?) . Explain how each solution would bring the African country out of poverty (15-thoroughness, reference to research, critical thought, solid argument, quality of research, citations)

30 marks


Part 3: Ad Campaign

1)   Create an advertising campaign (posters, book, website, demonstration, video, act, flash mob, song, etc.) based on the theme of “First World Problems” that helps people understand the concerns people face in your African country in comparison to the concerns around us.  Give people a method to help remedy the inequality.  Marks based on completion, creativity, effect, effort of the campaign.

Hand in:

1) campaign materials

2) description of what you did for your campaign

3) proof of dissemination

Part 3 = 20 marks





  • Citations for each section – easy to locate relative to the research
  • Alphabetical order
  • Use BibMe to put in MLA format

General Resources:


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