Characterization Assignment


This is the first time that I used this website to make a mind map. I have never used this website and other websites, so it made me confused and gave up making mind map to use the website. Also, I am bad at computer technology. I could not give up using this, because I thought if I use this website, next time I might use it better. Therefore, I tried, but I do not know anything about how to use the website and how to make branches, so I just wanted to give up. However, it was my assignment, so I tried Coggle. The Coggle was much better than, because it has lots of information about how to make a mind map. I spent the most time to understand how to use this website. By the way, I thought using this website for mind map, it might be helpful to me. The reason was that I am not good at organizing, but when I finish making a mind map, I could see the mind map clearly. I have never done the characterization using the Core Competencies, so it was very hard, but after I used it, it helped me to understand the characterization of Susie Salmon. I would use this site again, because I am bad at organizing. It was helpful to me to understand the characterization of protagonist.

Street Art Unit wrap-up-Core Competency Reflection

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(Jeonju, Korea)

(My street art work)


How does your street art design demonstrate your social awareness of and responsibility for the place in your community for which the art was designed for?

  • The street that I chose is a traditional place in my home town, and the art that I draw is the national flower of Korea. Many foreign tourists come to the place which I chose for sightseeing, so I want to draw a national flower of Korea in a place. That means I wanted to make more Korean feel when foreign tourists watch my art and the street.

What is the relationship between the artwork and the community place?

  • The place which I chose and my art are the traditional stuff of Korea.

How is your street art designed to address a social situation?

  • My street art is designed to address a social situation. I wanted to show the Korean feel to people for my work.


Synthesis Essay #1 Reflection


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  • Notorious B.I.G.

notorious big 이미지 검색결과

  • Georgia Douglas Johnson

georgia douglas johnson 이미지 검색결과


  • Two things that I am proud of is the higher marks than I expected and Mrs. Thomasen’s opinion that my hook is good. Up until my 11th grade, my essay was a mess. When I was in grade 11, I had scored 2 points on a total score of 6 points in my essay. I knew that my writing skills would not improve at once, but I carefully wrote an essay this time. And I got a much better score than I expected. Also, when I usually write an essay, I had a lot of hardships because of the hook. I was stressed by the fact that it was good for people to catch other people’s attention when writing the hook. Most people said that my hook was weird or boring, so I paid more attention to the hook and wrote the best hook I could write. By the way, I was so happy when Mrs. Thomasen wrote down the opinion that it was a good hook.
  • The two things that I want to do better in synthesis #2 are increasing my grammar skills and improving my understanding of essays. I know my grammar is not perfect because English is not my first language. Also, when I was writing an essay, I often heard that people could not understand my writing because of grammar. So I want to increase my grammar skills in synthesis #2 and improve people’s understanding of my writing. I was also pointed out in this essay rubric that I do not have a good understanding of the essay, so I think I also write sentences that I don’t need when I write an essay, which makes my essay messy. So I want to write my essay more clearly by improving my understanding of the essay in synthesis #2.

16 Personalities

1. My personality type is advocate.

2. I can use to describe me for 3 words, insightful, inspiring, and defensive.

3. I can learn lots of things from having a strong personal awareness of myself and others. I can learn how to make a good relationship to use my strong personal awareness. Also, when I talk and live with others, I can learn how to treat others.

4. The reason why these tests are flawed is because many people have lots of different personality even thought they have same thinking. It can’t always be said that it is correct because the attitude and thinking of dealing with them can be different.


Chemistry 11: Types of reaction lab

  • Station 1
  • Station 2
  • Station 3
  • Station 4

Copper Wire : 

Copper Wire with Silver Nitrate : 

After 5 minutes : 

After 10 minutes : 

  • Station 5

Lead (II) Nitrate : 

Potassium Iodide : 

Lead (II) Nitrate add Potassium Iodide : 

  • Station 6

Sodium Hydroxide – Sulphuric Acid – Sodium Hydroxide & Sulphuric Acid mixture (+Litmus Papers) :

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Wave Interference Activity

  1. The video above is an example of constructive interference. When the crest and crest meet, the energy combines to displace the medium. Also, as you can see by watching the video clip, the size of the wave has grown significantly as the two crests have gathered.

2. The video above is an example of destructive interference. When the crest and through meet together, the waves are out of phase, the energy combines to work against to each other. And they tend to cancel out.

3. The video above is an example of standing wave. When interfering waves have the same amplitude and wavelength is called a standing wave interference pattern. A node/nodal point is a point that remains rest throughout the interference of the pulses.


How do noise-cancelling headphones use wave interference to eliminate unwanted sound?

  • Noise-cancelling headphones use destructive interference to prevent us from hearing unwanted external noises.


Thermos Challenge

  1. Planning, Process and Analysis

Prototype #1 Prototype #2

2. Final Product

  • Result: The first temperature of water is 82°C, and after 45 minutes, the temperature of water is 53°C. The temperature of water decreased 29°C 
  • We made the final product that use plastic cup, styrofoam cup, aluminum foil, sand, cotton balls, and print. First, we had to take thermal energy into account when making this. It had to think about the amount of specific total molecules in a substance and how they work. So, we had found a substance with low thermal conductivity so that we can maintain this kinetic energy in the thermos. Styrofoam cups with low thermal conductivity were used as cups to hold hot water. Styrofoam cup was put into a plastic cup because it was not enough to prevent heat transfer using only Styrofoam cups. Styrofoam is widely used as an insulating material and prevents heat from moving from high to low that the law of energy conservation applies. Although the heat content of the sand isn’t so low compared to other materials, cotton balls aren’t so cheap to use, so it uses sand. But when we used sand, there was not a bad result. we wrapped styrofoam cup with cotton with low thermal conductivity instead of aluminum foil. Intended to decorate the thermos and paint was used to protect maximum heat is escaping. If there is no lid, the heat escapes quickly and much, so we made a lid with aluminum foil to prevent the heat from escaping. The thermos produced this way seem to be quite successful.